Page 89 of When We Were Us

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"You’re an asshole," I spat, turning away. I walked into the living room, but Oliver followed, relentless. I sank onto the couch, hoping for some respite, but he grabbed my arm before I could even set my mug down on the coffee table.

"You’re hurting me, let go."

"Why won’t you tell me where you were today?" His grip tightened, his frustration palpable.

"Why is it such a big deal? Do you think I’m having an affair? I don’t have time or energy for one."

He ground his teeth. "That’s reassuring. Is that the only reason you wouldn’t pursue one?"

"What the hell is this about?" I snapped, pulling away from his grasp.

"You lying to me and catching you in that lie. Just tell the truth. Where were you?"

I stood up, storming to my purse, and pulled out the card I had gotten at the pharmacy when I picked up my prenatal vitamins. I walked over to the Christmas tree and placed the card on one of the limbs, the word "Daddy" scrawled on the outside of the envelope.

"Why does it say Daddy?" he asked, confusion replacing his anger.

"Because - you possessive asshole, I’m pregnant. I went to the doctor today. I wanted it to be a surprise," I yelled.

His eyebrows shot up. "You’re pregnant?"

"Yes, about two or three weeks. I told you I might be. I took a test before I started taking my pills again just in case."

"I’m... I’m sorry." His voice softened, regret replacing the anger.

I put my hands on my hips. "What the hell is wrong with you, Oliver? Don’t you trust me? Do you think I’m cheating on you? I didn’t when I hated you, so why would I now?"

"Ty called me."

"When did he call you?" I asked quietly.

I knew my friendship with Tyler would always be a point of contention with Oliver. He suspected I confided my feelings about our marriage to Tyler while he was in a coma. And he wasn’t wrong because I had.

"While you were out. He asked me all kinds of questions. I thought he was acting more like a lover than a friend."

I hung my head, shame washing over me. "I’m ashamed to admit it, but there was a time I considered something with him. We didn’t go through with it."

Oliver’s eyes darkened, his jaw clenched. "So, you led him on to get back at me?"

"You have to understand my position. I’ve told you this many times."

"And yet this is the first I’m hearing that you considered sleeping with him," he snapped, his voice like a whip.

"You’re ruining this for me," I choked out, tears stinging my eyes. I turned to head for the bedroom, but Oliver’s grip was like an anaconda, pulling me back against his chest.

"I’m sorry, Ryleigh. Don’t be upset with me. I’m so happy you’re pregnant," he murmured, his voice softer now.

"Then act like it, you bastard," I cried, tears spilling over as he walked me to the couch. He sat down, pulling me onto his lap. I buried my face in his shoulder, my sobs muffled against his shirt as he rocked me gently.

"Shh, I’m an ass. I just want you to be mine," he whispered, his hand smoothing over my back.

"I am yours, you possessive asshole."

"I know you are," he replied, his voice tinged with relief. "So, a baby. We’re going to be parents."

"I’m not sure I want to tell my family until after three months," I said, my voice shaky.

"Why? It would be a great Christmas present to tell them."

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