Page 74 of When We Were Us

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“Give me a proper kiss,” I said.

“You had one.”

I huffed and walked to the kitchen with Ty right behind me. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“Got any soda? I could use the caffeine right now.”

I reached into the refrigerator for a can of Coke, sliding it across the counter. It left a damp streak mark on the granite. Ty popped it open and took a long drink.

“What time did you get home?” he asked.

“About an hour ago. I took a long bath and had a scotch and granola bar.”

He crooked his eyebrow. “That’s a hell of a dinner,” his tone disapproving.

I shrugged, leaning against the counter. “I don’t feel like eating much these days.”

“You shouldn’t go without food. You don’t sleep much and you’re under stress. That’s a good way to get sick. Flu season is coming.”

“Is that your professional opinion?”

His face darkened. “That’s my opinion as a friend.”

“I’ve had a rough day. Teagan went to the hospital this morning. She has an ear infection. Sadie was hysterical. I visited Oliver for a few minutes, today was his birthday.”

Ty took another gulp of Coke. “You didn’t stay?”

I raised my voice. “Fuck him. After what he’s done, he’s lucky I even went to visit him at all.”

He let out a loud sigh. “You need to deal with your hostility in a better way. You can’t divorce him tomorrow. You’ll have to bear with him until he’s well.”

“Why? Who says I can’t divorce him?” I demanded, my voice trembling with anger. “I can’t be around him. Every time I am, it just makes me angrier. I don’t understand you. You know what he’s done to me.”

Ty’s gaze was steady. “I also know he did something I would probably do if we were together. He wanted to protect you. I can’t fault him for that.”

I was yelling now.

“I can. What he did almost got us killed.” I clenched my fists, the memory of that night flashing in my mind. “He’s going to have to live with what he did, and he’s going to have to do it without me. That will be the worst thing for him, to know I’m somewhere in the world and no longer his.”

“You can just turn off your feelings for him like that? You were deeply in love with him,” Ty challenged, his brow furrowed in concern.

Tears stung the back of my eyes. “I grew up and came back to reality.” I tightened the robe around me, feeling exposed. “You know I’m naked under this robe.”

Ty took another swig from his Coke and shook his head as he swallowed. “I didn’t come here to have sex with you. I came here to see how you were.”

“I’m fine, and I would be better if you fucked me,” I shot back, my voice cracking.

“You’re not using me for revenge. What the fuck is wrong with you? Where is the Ryleigh that I grew up with? The thoughtful, sweet, kind woman?”

“She fucking died on Fox Island and in her place is this bitch you see before you.” I could feel my eyes burning. “You know I heard three of my vice presidents saying the same thing this morning, so it must be true.”

“It’s not true. She’s somewhere in there,” Ty insisted, his voice softer now.

My vision grew blurry with tears. “It is. That woman is never coming back. Oliver destroyed her. You know the fairytale I was living before I got married is over. This whole situation and everything that occurred on my honeymoon just makes me realize I have a black cloud following me. You’re probably best not to hang out with me.”

I felt the tears sting and I sniffled as they brimmed on my lids. Ty put his soda down and came around the counter to take me in his arms. The minute he did, I fell apart. I’d cried when Oliver was injured but it hadn’t been for a while. I kept everything inside, trying to be strong for him. Now I just lost it.

Ty held me, stroking my damp hair as I buried my face in his chest and clung to his sweater for dear life.

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