Page 73 of When We Were Us

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He drew in a deep breath. “That you’re unfit and a bitch.”

I winced at the harsh words, even though they were milder than what I had just heard.

“I am a bitch, I’ll admit it, but I’m far from unfit. We’re doing fine with me at the helm,” I retorted, my tone sharp.

“We are, but the employees still aren’t happy,” Mark pointed out.

I leaned back in my chair, sipping my coffee and contemplating his words.

“You think I give a shit if they’re happy? They don’t give me support; they give me headaches. Those three bozos are overpaid and lazy. I should fire their asses.”

He shook his head. “You can’t start making big changes. I agree that they’re asses but upsetting the corporate structure could have negative effects on the company. Wait until Oliver gets back and have a talk with him.”

“I think he would agree with me if I fire them, but I’ll take your advice,” I said, my fingers tapping the edge of my coffee cup.

Mark nodded thoughtfully. “Henri said you wanted to discuss something with me.”

I set the cup down and leaned forward. “I have some figures on the latest project we’re planning in Brooklyn.”

“Bring them in so we can go over them. I want this project to run smoothly,” I said, my tone firm and resolute.

Mark grinned, a hint of admiration in his eyes. “You really channel Oliver when you sit in that chair.”

My eyes narrowed, and I felt a growl rise in my throat. “I couldn’t be more different than Oliver.”

Mark’s smile faltered, and he held up his hands in a placating gesture. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it.”

I took a deep breath, trying to rein in my irritation. “Get the figures so we can discuss them,” I ordered, my voice cold and precise.

Chapter 16

Even though it was Oliver’s birthday, I worked late at the office and walked into the penthouse after visiting hours were over. I didn’t care. Maybe Tim Stoddard was right, I was a fucking cunt. I kicked off my shoes, threw my briefcase and coat on the couch and went straight to the kitchen. Trouble came bounding down the hall and almost tripped me.

I picked him up and scratched behind his ears. Poor boy was alone most of the time. I had the concierge walking him while I was away. Maybe I should consider getting another dog to keep him company. I switched on the light over the island and found the dish towel I hung on the stove handle on the floor.

“Did you do this? You bad boy.”

Trouble struggled in my arms, trying to lick my face. I put him down and grabbed a pink ball I found lodged under the toe kick of the island, throwing it into the living room. He went crazy chasing after it and I heard his toenails clicking on the floor. I would have to take him to the groomer to get him cleaned up. I hated giving him a bath because he gave me such a hard time and it had been a few weeks.

As usual, I poured myself a scotch and grabbed a granola bar from the cabinet. It was a weird mix, but it was late, and I didn’t feel like cooking or ordering anything. All I wanted to do was have a drink and a relaxing bath.

Trouble napped on the bathmat next to the tub while I sipped at my drink and let the hot water seep into my tired bones. It was almost 10 p.m. by the time I got out and I slipped on Oliver’s blue terry cloth robe on after I dried myself. As I was washing out my scotch glass, I heard my phone vibrate.

I stopped by to say hello. Call the concierge.

This late? How do you know I wasn’t asleep?

Just let me up.

I chuckled and buzzed the concierge, telling him to let Ty come upstairs. He didn’t start his shift until 11:00 and was probably looking to kill time. I didn’t worry about getting dressed. Ty had seen me naked a few times when we were teenagers. It didn’t bother me that I was nude underneath my robe.

He knocked a few minutes later and I opened the door to find him dressed in a pair of black jeans, gray sweater and a navy-blue pea coat.

“No slacks and sport coat tonight?” I asked.

“I have an undercover sting I’m working on.”

He went to kiss my cheek and I turned so he caught the corner of my mouth. I knew I was treading on thin ice. I wasn’t thinking about Ty’s feelings. I just wanted to hurt my husband.

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