Page 125 of When We Were Us

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"Why did you tell him that I was a stalker?" he demanded, his eyes flashing.

I sighed, leaning back against the plush leather seat. "Because you sort of were. What's the problem?"

Oliver ran a hand through his hair, a gesture I'd come to recognize as a sign of his agitation. "You make me sound as if I was a pedophile with all that 'older' talk."

"I'm sorry," I said, reaching for his hand. "But you intimidated me. What the hell would a hot, handsome, well-established man want with a twenty-two-year-old recent college graduate?"

His expression softened, and he squeezed my fingers. "Are you kidding? Everything. You're beautiful and intelligent."

I shook my head, a rueful smile playing on my lips. "But you couldn't know that when you handed me my diploma."

"I think I could," Oliver countered, his thumb tracing circles on the back of my hand. "Columbia is not an easy school, and if you graduated with honors, you must be intelligent. It wasn't hard to figure out." He cupped my cheek, forcing me to meet his intense gaze. "You need to get off this thing you have about not feeling my equal. You are so much more. I love you."

My heart swelled at his words. "I know, but it's hard sometimes. I'm in awe of you."

A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "And I of you. We've been through a lot in our short marriage."

The mention of our marriage sparked a memory. "Speaking of which," I said, a hint of excitement creeping into my voice, "our anniversary is coming up."

As the words left my mouth, I saw a flicker of something—surprise? anticipation?—in Oliver's eyes. The air between us crackled with unspoken possibilities, and I found myself wondering what plans he might be concocting for our upcoming celebration.

Oliver's eyes sparkled. "I'm aware. What would you like to do? I think a trip is in order."

My heart began to race. "A trip where?" I asked, leaning forward in my seat.

He hesitated, a shadow crossing his face. "I wouldn't even suggest it. It's almost sold."

Confusion furrowed my brow. "You sold Fox Island?"

Oliver nodded, his fingers drumming lightly on the armrest. "I'm negotiating with the buyer for price right now. Why?"

"I'm surprised you sold it so fast," I admitted, a hint of nostalgia in my voice.

He reached for my hand, his touch gentle. "I had to. It only holds bad memories."

I squeezed his fingers, memories flooding back. "They weren't all bad. The first few days were heaven."

A soft smile played on Oliver's lips. "We can buy another island if you like?"

I shook my head, an idea forming. "How about we just buy a nondescript lake house somewhere? I don't need all the flash and glitz. Something simple where we can take a speedboat out on the lake or swim on our own private beach."

Oliver's eyes lit up. "I love how you think. I'm sure we can find something like that in upstate New York."

"It doesn't have to be New York," I mused, "but I want it to be quiet."

He caught my gaze, his expression suddenly serious. "Do you trust me?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "That's a silly question. Of course I do."

A grin spread across his face. "Then let me find something and it will be a surprise."

Suddenly, a memory sparked. "Speaking of which," I said, playfully nudging his shoulder. "Didn't you promise me a surprise when I moved back on Saturday?"

Oliver's eyebrows shot up. "I did, and it got pushed back."

Confusion clouded my features. "Huh? I don't understand."

He leaned in close, his breath warm against my ear. "It's waiting for you at home."

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