Page 124 of When We Were Us

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"It's natural," Dr. Randall nodded, his pen poised over his notepad. "Some people shut down, and others want to shout their issues to the world."

"I know I should've handled it better," Oliver continued, his gaze finally meeting mine. The pain in his eyes made my heart clench. "I didn't know what to do."

"And now?" Dr. Randall prompted gently.

Oliver reached for my hand, his fingers intertwining with mine. "I realize I made a mistake. Ryleigh is one of the best things that have happened in my life. I love her."

The room seemed to grow warmer at his words. Dr. Randall smiled, those dimples appearing briefly before he asked, "Let's talk about your relationship. How did it start?"

I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up, but quickly stifled it when Oliver shot me a hard look.

Dr. Randall's eyebrows rose slightly. "Ryleigh, do you want to tell me?"

I bit my lip, trying to suppress a grin. "Oliver stalked me."

"I certainly did not," Oliver protested, his grip on my hand tightening. "I don't call what I did stalking."

Dr. Randall frowned, his pen scratching across the tablet he held. "Elaborate, please."

Oliver and I both started speaking simultaneously, our words tumbling over each other. Dr. Randall held up a hand, gesturing for me to continue.

"He wouldn't leave me alone until I agreed to have lunch with him," I explained, a hint of amusement in my voice.

Oliver huffed, "I hardly call that stalking."

"I have to agree," Dr. Randall nodded, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

I softened, leaning slightly towards Oliver. "Oliver fell in love with me at first meeting. At least, that's what he tells me."

"It's not a lie," Oliver insisted, his thumb tracing circles on the back of my hand. "I did."

Dr. Randall tilted his head, clearly intrigued. "Where did you two meet?"

"At my graduation," I replied, memories of that day flooding back. "Oliver was the guest speaker."

"What did you feel when you first met him?" Dr. Randall asked, his pen poised expectantly.

I paused, considering my words carefully. "I thought he was very handsome, intimidating"—I shook my head, a rueful smile playing on my lips—"and totally out of my league."

As I spoke, I felt Oliver's eyes on me, intense and filled with an emotion I couldn't quite name. The air between us crackled with unspoken words and shared memories, leaving me wondering what other revelations this therapy session might bring to light.

Dr. Randall leaned forward. "Interesting. Why?"

I fidgeted with the hem of my skirt, suddenly aware of the weight of Oliver's gaze on me. "For one, he's fourteen years older," I explained, my voice barely above a whisper. "And another - he's Oliver Fox. What would he want with someone who just graduated college?"

The therapist's pen hovered over his notepad. "Did you feel inferior to him?"

I shook my head, searching for the right words. "Not inferior, just... in a different league. When he asked me out, I felt strange."

"Strange how?" Dr. Randall prompted gently.

I risked a glance at Oliver, who sat rigid beside me, his jaw still clenched. "He was older and more established. Much more established, obviously."

"That's ridiculous," Oliver interjected, his voice tight with frustration.

Dr. Randall held up a placating hand. "Oliver, please let Ryleigh finish."

The next forty minutes flew by as we delved into the depths of our relationship, including the harrowing attack on Fox Island. By the time we left Dr. Randall's office, I felt lighter, as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Oliver, however, remained tense and silent until we were safely ensconced in the privacy of our limo.

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