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I shake off the vestiges of the vision. “I apologize, Captain. A momentary dizziness. The sea air, perhaps.” I offer a thin smile, refusing to show weakness. “A tour of the ship’s power centers would be most enlightening, Captain Voss.”

She inclines her head, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. “Of course, Mr. Jenks. As you might expect, I am required to return to the bridge soon. Until then, I would be delighted to play tour guide. Let’s start with engineering.”

I fall into step beside her, my curiosity piqued. The lower levels of the ship hum with life. Even berthed and at rest, the energy of this city-sized ship radiates, resonating as we descend into the bowels where state-of-the-art technology gleams under harsh fluorescent lights, a stark contrast to the ship’s elegant exterior and passenger space. I step inside the engine control room. Cool air tinged with the scent of oil and machinery assaults my senses.

“Mr. Jenks, the ECR is the heart of the Mystic Princess.” Captain Voss gestures to the intricate machinery around us. “This is where efficiency and power converge.” Her voice holds a note of pride, and I see why.

I’m immediately drawn to the monitors displaying massive turbines, its sleek design a testament to modern engineering. “Impressive.” I mutter more to myself than anyone else.

“Glad you think so.” A fresh voice, confident and edged with challenge, cuts through the mechanical hum.

A striking woman—dark hair pulled back in a no-nonsense ponytail, eyes that sparkle with intelligence—rises from a chair sent spinning away from a massive control panel. She doesn’t wait for introductions.

“Mr. Jenks, I assure you, there’s more to this ship than meets the eye.” She stands with arms crossed, exuding an unmistakable competence. “Our efficiency ratings are unparalleled.”

“Cordelia Marin, my Chief Engineer.” Captain Voss steps aside, allowing her senior officer to take center stage. This is Cordelia’s domain, and the captain knows it.

I let a slow smile spread across my face. “Unparalleled? Bold claim.”

“Backed by facts.” Her eyes don’t waver from mine. “Feel free to check our records.”

I take a step closer, inspecting another monitor flashing with rotating views of gauges and machinery. “You are confident in your operations.”

“We have reason to be.” Her tone is even, but there’s an undercurrent of defiance.

“You don’t think an outsider’s perspective offers improvements?”

She raises an eyebrow, not missing a beat. “Improvements? Always possible. But it takes more than money to understand this ship’s true potential.”

Her words hang in the air, charged with an unspoken challenge.

“I admire your dedication. Every process has room for improvement.”

Cordelia holds my gaze, unflinching. “Improvement is about recognizing what doesn’t need changing.”

Respect grudgingly given; she’s sharp and perceptive. Intriguing. Marin is not intimidated by me. A worthy adversary... or perhaps an asset?

Captain Voss watches our exchange with an unreadable expression before breaking the tension with a measured smile. “Shall we continue? I’ve arranged for a short lunch break in 30 minutes with my senior officers. We’ll stop by medical on the way.”

I nod, pulling myself away from the mesmerizing hum of machinery and the magnetic pull of Cordelia Marin.

“I’ll leave you to your duties, Chief Engineer Marin.”

As I walk away, my mind races, strategizing my next move, as is typical when I’m going after a new acquisition. And yet, my thoughts, disturbed by unfamiliar emotions stirred by the exquisite dichotomy that is Cordelia Marin, return to her face glowing with passion for her ship.

Intriguing indeed.

The senior officer’s dining room onboard the Mystic Princess exudes elegance and practicality. Every detail is meticulously crafted to be functional and impress. A row of recessed ceiling lights cast a warm glow over a polished mahogany table set with fine China and crystal glasses. The scent of warming dishes wafts through the air, mingling with the soft hum of conversation.

I take my seat at one end of the table, my eyes scanning the room. Captain Voss sits at the head, her due as the master of this vessel. Cordelia Marin is to my right, her eyes flickering with challenge. A selection of the ship’s four-stripe and senior officers—Chief Medical Officer, Hotel General Manager, Cruise Director, Staff Captain, and Security Chief—fill in around us, their expressions a mix of curiosity and wariness.

Lunch is flawless, both in content and service. And intense. As a light dessert of fresh-baked cookies is served, I lift my glass; the wine catching the light. “To new beginnings.” Choosing to address the elephant in the room, I rise. “I have big plans for Mystic Cruises. Change is coming, whether you’re ready for it or not.”

Cordelia’s eyes fix on me, unwavering. “Change merely for its own sake, regardless of the price, Mr. Jenks? Heedless of the expense of exposed confidences? Your notoriety precedes you.”

The room falls silent, wine glasses mid-raise to join the toast. I lean forward slightly, my hand resting on the table, a smirk playing on my lips. “And what secrets might you be afraid to reveal, Ms. Marin? Are you suggesting there’s something here I’m not aware of?”

She doesn’t blink. “I’m suggesting there are aspects of this ship beyond your control.”

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