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Before I respond, another psychic flash hits me—the strongest yet. I’m plunged into icy water; images swirl chaotically: a figure cloaked in shadow, ancient symbols glowing with an eerie light, and a sense of foreboding that makes my skin prickle.

What are they hiding? And why do I feel like I’m losing control of the situation?

Captain Voss interrupts the moment with a measured smile. “Shall we enjoy our desert and a last sip of wine?” She raises her glass and touches it gently in a toast against the Doctor’s glass, raised alongside hers.

It’s time to leave. “Thank you for your hospitality.” I nod to the captain and her officers. “I have matters to attend to.”

Striding out of the dining room, I put on a good face, having entirely forgotten I do not know where my cabin is to be found. Even so, my mind is set. This ship’s secrets won’t elude me for long.

Chapter Two

Cordelia Marin

The engine room hums with a life of its own, each machine and gear synchronized in a mechanical symphony. My fingers dance over the control panels in the ECR, eyes darting between monitors and gauges. Basil’s inspection is imminent, and everything needs to be perfect.

“Cor, this guy’s a shark. He’ll tear apart everything we’ve built here.”

Zara’s voice cuts through the steady rhythm of the engines. I glance up, finding her leaning against the doorway, concern etched into her cheerful face.

“I know.” My focus is on recalibrating a pressure valve as I mutter a response. “I can’t let him discover our secrets. The entire supernatural world depends on it.”

Zara steps closer, her eyes scanning the room. I heard Basil Jenks has connections—powerful ones. He’s not just here to buy the ship. He’s digging for something.”

“Then we’ll make sure he doesn’t find it.”

A sudden jolt shakes the floor beneath us. My heart leaps into my throat as alarms blare, warning of a malfunction. I rush to the main console, Zara right behind me.

“What’s going on?”

“A coolant break.” The board is lit with blinking lights, and I furiously type commands to isolate the problem, cutting off the problem area and routing necessary functions around it. “Get down there and fix it, before it cascades into something worse.”

Zara nods and grabs a toolkit from a nearby shelf. “I’m on it.”

Peterson, the duty officer on call, careens into the ECR at breakneck speed. Gasping for air, he offers a hasty salute instead of speaking. Hot on his heels, the junior engineer crashes into his superior, unable to halt his momentum in time.

I let out a snort of amusement. I’m a pushover for physical comedy, even during an emergency. “Alright, Tweedledee and Tweedledum, enough slapstick. Channel that enthusiasm into something useful.”

“Peterson, man the auxiliary panel. Silence that blasted siren and assist me in bypassing the rupture. Rookie, head downstairs with Zara. Locate the breach. It’s situated somewhere in the L14 to L22 range. Seal it off, clean up the aftermath, and check back in.”

Together, we work in silence, our movements swift and precise. The smell of oil mingles with the salty tang of seawater that lingers in the air down here. My hands are steady despite the knot of anxiety tightening in my chest.

The alarms silence, leaving an eerie quiet amplifying every creak and groan of the ship’s machinery.

“All clear, Chief.” Peterson reports. “Breach contained and all systems functioning. OK if I head down to look? That segment was inspected two days ago, and I’d like a first-hand look before we start replacement.”

“Go, Peterson. Let me know what you find. Log a formal report. I want answers. How did this happen?”

“I’d like an answer to the same question, Chief Engineer.”

I straighten up, wiping my hands on my overalls. Basil Jenks leans against the doorframe, moving aside as Peterson exits. His tailored suit marks an odd contrast to the grease and grime of my domain. His eyes are sharp, calculating, as they take in every detail, settling on me with an intensity that makes my skin prickle.

“What happened here?” His voice is calmly authoritative but carries an undercurrent of suspicion.

“A minor issue.” I reply evenly. “It’s under control now. What are you doing down here, Jenks?” My voice is sharp, cutting through the mechanical symphony. “This is my domain, not a random boardroom you waltz into.”

“Checking on my investment.” The smirk on his face irritates me like an unscratched spider bite. But when he steps away from the door, I catch my breath. He’s undeniably handsome. The air heats up the nearer he gets. “It will soon be my money keeping this operation afloat.”

His arrogance grates on me. “Your money might own the ship, but it doesn’t own me. I won’t let you put profit over the safety of these waters.”

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