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Eventually, I collapse to my knees and sit back on my heels, let my arms drop and open my eyes.

The coral reefs are gone.

I’m back to the familiar walls of my suite on the Mystic Princess.

Chapter Eight

Cordelia Marin

Chaos greets me as I burst into the ECR. The monitors show images of my crew on the deck below in the engine room, half obscured by steam hissing from a ruptured pipe as they scramble to contain the damage.

Zara’s at the control panel in the ECR, her fingers flying over buttons and switches as she pores over the readouts. “Coolant system’s failing!” She shouts over the dogged din of multiple alarms sounding.

I don’t waste time with words. I dive into the mess, leaping down the stairs to join my crew. The heat is intense, unbearable. Sweat beads on my forehead as I wrench a valve open, releasing pressure.

I twist, and turn bolts, my fingers working with a practiced precision. The Rookie stands beside me, his eyes wide yet giving me tools with a steady hand as if reading my mind. The noise is deafening, a cacophony of alarms and hissing steam, but we work through it, our focus unbroken. The air is thick with the saccharine scent of coolant and the harshness of charred steel.

Finally, the last bolt is secure. I nod to the Rookie, and we move to the next section, repeating the process until the immediate danger is contained. My muscles ache, and sweat pours down my face, but there’s no time to rest. We need to get back to the ECR.

I take the stairs two at a time, the Rookie close behind me. As we burst into the Engine Control Room, Zara is still on the control panel, focused on ensuring all readings are returning to normal. Captain Voss stands beside her, a deep frown etched on her face.

“Repairs are done. But something’s not right.”

Peterson enters the room behind us, his expression grim. “This was no malfunction.” His voice, barely audible over the still-blaring alarms, is hard, angry. “It’s sabotage. Deliberate.”

Captain Voss’s eyes narrow, and she crosses her arms. She turns to me, watching as I silence the last of the alarms before speaking. “Two more crewmen have been reported missing.”

My heart sinks at the news. I glance at Zara, who meets my gaze. My suspicions are confirmed. The ship, our home, is under attack.

“What in Hell is happening on my ship, Chief Engineer?”

Chapter Nine

Basil Jenks

Captain Voss’s quarters are cramped but orderly, every inch reflecting her disciplined nature. I sit across from her, feeling Cordelia’s presence beside me. Voss regards us with a serene yet intense gaze, her fingers forming a steeple beneath her chin as we await the camera setup.

“Whenever you’re ready, Captain.” The Cruise Director positions himself behind the tripod to prepare for the broadcast to the crew.

Captain Voss stands at the head of the table, her presence commanding and somber. “We must be vigilant. This threat, whatever it is, is growing.”

The room falls silent, tension coiling like a live wire. I scan the faces around me—crew members, officers—each wears a mask of concern and confusion. Cordelia glances my way, her expression unreadable but her eyes lock onto mine for a split second.

“Increased security measures are now in place. No crew member goes anywhere alone. Report anything suspicious immediately.”

Whispers spread through the room as the crew absorbs her message. She’s an effective leader, providing enough details to address concerns without sensationalizing the situation, helping to ease the fears everyone is experiencing.

I lean back in my chair, watching and analyzing. A young deckhand nervously twists his cap in his hands, his gaze darting around the room. An engineer I recognize as Marco is exceptionally composed, too calm, given the circumstances.

Who is hiding secrets here? The unanswered questions gnaw at me, blending with my concern for the missing crew.

As the meeting wraps up, Captain Voss catches my eye. “Mr. Jenks, a word?” she gestures toward a small sitting room, a part of her quarters adjacent to the Bridge.

I follow her, aware of Cordelia watching our every move. “What do you think?” Voss asks once we’re alone.

“I’m not sure yet. There are more questions than answers.”

She nods thoughtfully. “Stay close to Cordelia. She trusts you.”

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