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“Trust me with your secrets, Cordelia. I think your ship wants me to know.”

Without thinking, I close the gap between us. Her lips part slightly as if she’s about to speak but then—

Another flash hits me. Demanding and taking my full attention.

I’m submerged in water again, surrounded by those ancient ruins. But this time Cordelia is there too—her form shifting into something inhuman. Her skin ripples and shimmers, taking on an iridescent sheen. Her legs fuse, elongating into a powerful tail. I watch, transfixed, as her arms shrink and transform into sleek flippers. Her face stretches, her nose elongating into a distinctive beak. Even as her features change, her eyes remain the same—those piercing blue orbs that have haunted my dreams for weeks. In mere moments, where Cordelia floated, now a graceful dolphin, hovers in the water before me, radiating an otherworldly beauty that takes my breath away.

Impossible. She’s... she’s not human?

The vision shatters as quickly as it comes. I step back, stumbling away from Cordelia, mind reeling from what I’ve seen.

She reaches out to steady me, but I pull away instinctively.

“Basil... “ Her voice is a mixture of desperation and fear.

“What the hell are you?” The words spill out.

Cordelia’s concerned expression crumples into hurt, and I regret my question, but I can’t take it back.

Are my visions real? What IS she?

I stare at her and feel my world tilt on its axis. What have I gotten myself into?

I stumble through the ship, my mind swimming with images that defy reality. Cordelia, a dolphin? This can’t be real. I’m hallucinating. I must be.

The corridors twist and warp around me, and I blink hard, trying to clear my head. My footsteps echo in the empty hallway, each step a reminder that I’m losing my grip on sanity.

A crew member appears out of nowhere, concern etched on his face. “Are you alright, Mr. Jenks? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

I wave him off, forcing a semblance of control into my voice. “I’m fine. Just... need air.”

His eyes linger on me for a moment longer before he nods and walks away. I watch him go, noticing the way his shadow stretches unnaturally long against the wall. Another trick of the light? Or something more?

I shake my head and press forward, but the ship seems to conspire against me. The walls pulse with an almost organic rhythm, and the whispers grow louder in my mind: “Seeker... finder... join us...”

My vision blurs again, and I’m underwater, surrounded by those ruins. Inhuman figures move gracefully through the depths, their eyes glowing with an eerie light. One of them turns towards me, its gaze piercing through my soul.

I gasp and snap back to reality, clutching the wall for support. My breaths come in ragged gasps as I struggle to maintain control.

Focus, Basil. You’re not losing it. Not yet.

I push myself off the wall and continue my aimless journey through the ship. Every corner hides another oddity—a crew member’s eyes flashing momentarily with an unnatural color, a door that wasn’t there before now standing ajar.

Another psychic flash hits me like a sledgehammer. This time I’m in a vast underwater city, its towers reaching up towards the surface like fingers grasping for salvation. Figures swim past me—some humanoid, others more monstrous.

The vision fades as quickly as it came, leaving me reeling once more.

I need to get back to my suite. I need something familiar, real, to grab ahold of.

With renewed determination, I navigate through the ship’s labyrinthine corridors until I finally reach my door. My hand trembles as I turn the handle and step inside.

What greets me isn’t my suite but an underwater scape, straight out of my visions. Coral reefs replace walls; bioluminescent plants cast an otherworldly glow.

In the center stands Cordelia—or something that resembles her but isn’t quite human. Her skin shimmers, iridescent and smooth; her eyes glow with an unearthly light.

“It’s time you knew the truth. Her voice echoes with a haunting song I’ve heard before. “About me, about this ship, and about your role in what’s to come.”

I shut my eyes, rejecting the vision, desperate to make these images cease. A voice is yelling. As I cover my ears to muffle the sound, I realize it’s my own. I don’t know how long I remain this way, paralyzed, resisting the psychic onslaught.

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