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“Give me the cliff notes and I’ll read the rest when I get back to my cabin.”

“Victor Ardan. Shadowy. The kind of shadow only power and money beget. He is you with no morals, from what I can see so far, Mr. Jenks. He has an interest already in the area you are cruising. A research facility, underwater research, on Lemesurier Island near Glacier Bay. It’s a recent acquisition and I speculate this might be the source of his desire to buy Mystic Cruises. No proof of that yet, sir.”

“OK. Stay on it. Get Jefferson to dig into the research facility. Usual background, but deep dive on Ardan’s involvement.”

I catch movement out of the corner of my eye—a familiar figure strolling towards the engine room.


“I have to go.” I swipe to end the call and put my phone back into my pocket. What is the Chief Engineer hiding?

Cordelia moves with purpose, her silhouette barely visible in the dim light. The ship lurches and she stumbles, catches herself, and we lock eyes.

“Cordelia.” My voice slices through the silence.

She freezes. Her eyes flash as she recognizes me.

“Basil. What are you doing here?”

“What’s happening on this ship, Cordelia?” I step closer, unable to mask my irritation. “What are you hiding?”

“Nothing that concerns you.”

“I’m not buying it.” I press, moving even closer. “You’re always around when something strange happens. Why?”

“You wouldn’t understand.” She turns away, but not before I see a flush rise in her cheeks.

“Try me.” I step close enough to breathe in her scent. Caramel and sea salt and…what was that? Her body, her skin shimmers with luminescence, like moonlight dancing on the waves.

“What was that?”

“You’re seeing things.”

“No.” I grab her arm, my fingers tingle at the contact with her soft skin. Despite my irritation, a spark of desire flares within me at her proximity. “I’m not letting this go.”

“I’m not your enemy.”

“Then what are you?” My grip tightens on her arm as she makes a move to pull away.

“Cordelia. “

“You don’t understand. There are secrets, not mine to tell… you should not, cannot know.”

“The secrets you are keeping are putting everyone at risk.”

“It’s you who puts us at risk. You’re not invincible. Secrets can destroy. You bulldoze through life unaware of forces beyond your control or perception.”

The tension between us crackles like electricity. Her defiance only fuels my determination.

“Then enlighten me. Or are you too scared?”

Her breath catches, and for a moment, vulnerability flickers across her face. It’s enough to make my resolve waver. I’ve hit on the truth. She is afraid.

“Please… you don’t know what you’re asking for.”

“Trust me.” My frustration reaches a boil. “Your ship, or you, or I don’t know what, is giving me visions, Cordelia. I’ve always had a sixth sense. I’ve used it ruthlessly to get where I am. But ever since I set foot on this ship, my instinctive hunches have changed. Vivid visions with incredibly confusing hallucinations. And these… episodes… are increasing, happening more often and gaining in power.”

Our gazes lock, and the air thickens with unspoken tension.

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