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He presses forward, closing the distance between us. “The secrets you’re keeping are putting everyone at risk.”

My eyes snap back to his, anger flaring. “It’s you who puts us at risk. You’re not invincible. Secrets can destroy. You bulldoze through life, unaware of forces beyond your control.”

The tension between us crackles like electricity. His determination only fuels my resolve.

“Then enlighten me.” He issues a challenge, our faces only inches apart. “Or are you too scared?”

My breath catches. “Please. You don’t know what you’re asking for.”

“Try me.” His frustration boils over. “Your ship, or you, or I don’t know what, is giving me visions, Cordelia. I’ve always had a sixth sense. I’ve used it ruthlessly to get where I am. But ever since I set foot on this ship, my instinctive hunches have changed. Vivid visions with incredibly confusing hallucinations. And these… episodes… are increasing, happening more often and gaining in power.”

The tension builds between us, a crackling energy that sets my nerves on edge. He’s demanding answers, pushing me to reveal secrets I’ve sworn to protect. I’m not sure I fully understand what’s happening myself.

This ship and the waters we sail have a sentient magic I don’t fully understand. And now, it’s reaching out to him, drawing him in with visions. I see the desperation in his eyes, the need to make sense of what he’s experiencing.

The truth is, I AM scared. Scared of the forces at work here, scared of the consequences of revealing too much. Because the secrets I keep could destroy us in the wrong hands.

I can’t simply give in to his demands, no matter how persistent he may be. The stakes are too high, the risks too great. I have to guide him, to help him understand without exposing everything.

It’s a delicate balance. I have to tread carefully, to choose my words with precision. I will try, because the alternative is unthinkable.

Our eyes meet, and a charge runs through me. My skin prickles with awareness. Every nerve in my body is acutely attuned to his presence and the irresistible pull between us.

“Trust me with your secrets, Cordelia. I think your ship wants me to know.”

He closes the gap between us. My lips part slightly… I’m not sure if I am going to be kissed or if I’m about to speak…

Then a vision hits him. I see the physical impact as the vision possesses his consciousness. His body is rigid, eyes unseeing, lost in a place other than here, a view I do not share.

His eyes widen as the vision fades. He staggers back, away from me, his mind clearly reeling from what he’s seen.

I reach out to steady him, but he pulls away. “Basil…”

“What the hell are you?” The words spill out as he continues to back away from me. I see aversion in his eyes. And fear.

What kind of horror has his vision shown him?

I reach again for him, but he pushes me and stumbles away.

Before I can follow, my radio squawks with an urgent message.

Basil Jenks will have to wait. There’s a more immediate crisis to handle.

Chapter Seven

Basil Jenks

It’s amazing how quiet the ship is at night in the crew areas. Passenger space is always noisy, if not with people, then there’s piped in music playing softly in public spaces. Or there’s live entertainment spaced out in a cross-hatch of venues for passengers to enjoy.

Not so in crew areas. Once away from the M-1, the main highway below decks used by crew to move from one end of the ship to the other, the crew’s living spaces are surprisingly peaceful.

Walking again after meeting the captain, I meander, deep in thought. My phone buzzes and I stop for a moment, leaning against a wall, to answer Simone’s call.

“Mr. Jenks, I’m sorry to call so late, but I have information I think you should know soonest.” Her words tumble out even before I’ve had a chance to say hello. “Victor Ardan. Do you know Victor Ardan? He’s making a move on Mystic Cruises. He’s putting together an offer to buy.”

“Ardan? Never heard of him. Find out who he is and who’s backing him and email it to me soon as you have it. Raw data and links are good. Don’t wait to make it pretty. Most important, find out WHY he’s after my cruise company.”

“Yes sir. I’ve called in the team, and they are on it. We’ll have a preliminary who’s who for you within an hour. Texting you a doc now with what I know so far.”

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