Page 87 of The Billionaire

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“Hey,” I said. “Real quick, before you go, I have something to tell everyone.”

Dreamboat snorted, and I flipped him off, phasing no one.

“What’s up?” Phantom asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

I smiled and looked at them. “I got married in Costa Rica.”

They looked at one another as if they hadn’t heard me correctly.

“I said I got married in Costa Rica.” I raised my left hand in the air as proof. “To Greer.”

They were all silent until Dreamboat opened his big mouth. “Yeah, I thought they were shitting me too until I heard them all lovey-dovey in his room last night.”

I pointed at him. “And you were butt-ass naked with a slicked-up Commander and unicorn dildo when we got home.”

“Wait!” Jesse said, raising his hands. “We don’t need to know any of that. But we do need to know about this marriage.”

Marcus bumped my shoulder. “Congratulations, man. I’m gonna need that story, but I gotta go. We’ll celebrate soon.”

“Thanks, man,” I said, watching him take off out the door.

I turned back to my friends, who were smiling at me. “All you need to know is we worked it all out, and we’re happy.”

Jesse grinned. “Good enough for me. Now, what do we need to talk about?”

I looked at them as the reason why I needed them returned to the front of my brain. “Greer is being sued by that asshole Dreamboat and I ushered out of the locker room after Greer fired him. I’ve got a feeling there’s more to it, and someone is watching him.”

Jesse’s expression changed as he looked at me, then at Phantom. He nodded toward our war room. “Then let’s get to work.”

“Let me know if you need me,” Aidan said, clapping a hand on my shoulder. “He’s got a sharp legal team, and I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, thanks, Aidan.”

We each took a seat around the table as I downloaded all my information to them. “It was that same feeling I got before when we were getting ready to go into that embassy. It felt like eyes were on us then, and it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up today. Something is just... off.”

GQ turned to Phantom, our cyber specialist, and Homeland Security operative. “Can we get Turner’s location?”

Phantom nodded and stood. “Might take a while, but I’ll find him.”

He turned to leave, and it occurred to me he should have been on his detail. “Hey, why aren’t you with Adam?”

He smiled at the mention of his name. “The Rockstar is at Cole’s, working on some new music. And Patrick’s there.”

“How are they doing since the accident?” I asked.

He nodded. “Pretty good. Seeing the car was tough. We’re heading out on tour in a couple of months, so hopefully Patrick will be good to go. Guess Greer is looking for a new linebacker, huh?”

“Probably. But he’s got a team for that.”

He smiled, then turned to walk out, remembering how close Patrick had come to dying in that car accident. I don’t know what I’d do if something like that happened to Greer.

“How did Carter take the news?” GQ asked, shaking me from thoughts of mortality.

I shook my head and met his eyes. “Haven’t told him yet. This felt more pressing.”

“Are you avoiding it?”

I sighed. “No, but I’m not sure how he’ll respond when I tell him I married his best friend. Then there’s the NHL thing. I know zero about running a franchise.”

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