Page 88 of The Billionaire

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“But your husband does,” Dreamboat added. “He can save your butt.”

I laughed. “Yeah, he does. Carter will want me to be happy. That’s all he cares about. And I’m sure he’ll be okay with Greer.”

Jesse nodded. “I agree. We’ll keep Greer safe, whatever is going on.”

But something in the way he looked around at us told me he might have another idea. “I know that look. What are you thinking?”

He ran his hand over his jaw. “Are we sure its about him? We’ve had some hostile situations to deal with since we’ve been here. Phantom had the blackmail case with Adam, and you and Dreamboat handled the situations with Harper. Not to mention the defamation case for Alejandro’s. I don’t think we can rule out that it might be one of us.”

“He’s right,” Phantom added. “It might be worth the time to look for connections. Find the common thread.”

I furrowed my brow, but nodded. “Yes, I agree.”

GQ’s phone pinged, interrupting our conversation. He pulled it from his pocket, read it, then smiled. “Looks like the word is out, Dare. There’s a party Saturday night to celebrate your wedding. Seems you have Marcus to thank for that. Eight o’clock at Bernardo’s.”

A loud groan came from down the hall, followed by footsteps that stopped in the doorway. “I’m fucking sorry, Austin. It’s the offseason, and he looks for any excuse to have a party. If Bernardo’s isn’t okay...”

I raised my hand and smiled. “Bernardo’s is perfect. We’ll be there.”

“You know,” Dreamboat added, looking at Aidan, “if you fucked him a little more, you might wear him out.”

Aidan just looked at him, then turned to walk away.

We all laughed, and I knew Greer would have a good time. I just hoped my brother was as happy for us as my friends were.



When Austin got home later that afternoon, I was on the phone with my GM catching up on last week.

“Listen, Charlie, I’ve got to go. I have somewhere to be.” He didn’t need to know where I needed to be was with my new husband. I ended the call and headed out to find him shoving boxes out of the elevator into the foyer.

“Why didn’t you call me? I would have helped.”

He stood up, sweat beaded on his forehead, his cheeks tinted pink, and had never looked better to me. And the smile that made me smile was on full alert. “There aren’t but five. I unloaded them from the Tahoe into the elevator, then drove Dreamboat back to the condo.”

Instinct led me to him as I plastered my mouth over his. He held me in his arms as we kissed, both of us sighing that we were finally back where we wanted to be. When I ended the kiss, he chased my mouth, as hungry for me as I was for him, making me laugh. “We need to talk before we get lost again.”

Austin peppered kisses down my neck a few more times before he looked at me. “You know, we could talk in bed.”

I laughed. “That sounds wonderful, but I need to know how your meeting went.”

His grin was back. “It was so good that we ended up being invited to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate our wedding. Evidently, some players will be there too.”

My eyes widened. “My players?”

He nodded. “Marcus arranged it. So you can probably figure it out.”

My heart gave a little throb of happiness as I smiled, a little wistful at that moment. I never expected anyone to actually care about our marriage, and it made me a bit emotional.

But he noticed. “What’s wrong, babe? If you don’t want to go, we don’t have to.”

“No,” I said, chuckling. “It’s not that at all.” How would I explain this to him? “I’ve always been on the outside of social things with my team. I’m the owner, and with that comes some isolation. Other than charity events and draft parties, I’m usually alone. My one close friend is Carter. And Eliana Sanchez.”

I’d never shared those feelings with anyone, and I hadn’t realized how painful that was until I heard myself say it. And evidently, Austin felt it too.

His eyes were full of empathy and understanding. They were the eyes of that twenty-two-year-old I fell in love with so long ago. “Greer, I never realized.”

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