Page 51 of The Billionaire

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"I'm saying that if you have the money and you see little Susie or Jimmy riding their tricycle on the sidewalk and you want them, all you need is a picture, the general area or location of the home and someone will acquire them for you for a price. From what I gathered the senator and the doc liked to oversee those special acquisitions themselves if the price was right."

I think I'm going to be sick to my fucking stomach. "Is that it, anything else, do you know times and names, places?"

"A few but my information is old, I stopped like ten years ago."

"I want everything you've got, where is it?"

"Fine, then can I go to the hospital?"

"Sure where is the information?"

"It's at my house but you can't find it. Can I go get this looked at now?"

"Give me a minute, I'm trying to figure out if I should let you live or just sever you limb from limb and feed you to the fucking wolves."

He started laughing like he'd just heard the funniest thing in his life.

"What's so fucking funny?"

"That's rich, that's how I got mixed up with these guys in the first place."

"What the hell are you talking about now?"

"Keith, he introduced me to them, he made some kind of deal and now he can turn into a wolf whenever he wants, it's the freakiest fucking shit you've ever seen."

Okay now I'm in the fucking twilight zone. "Are you kidding me Sanders?" I looked at my men who were all looking at him like they each wanted a piece.

"I wish I was but I have evidence, I videotaped him once when he didn't know. I've been holding it as insurance just in case you know, now with you grabbing that...your wife." He spat the word out and I thought; why don't I just kill the fuck and be done with it?

"Now that you've soiled her I'm not sure what my life is worth."

"I hope they gut you and leave you in the desert somewhere for the wild animals to pick over your carcass. Get your own ass to the hospital. Gage, search this fucker’s house; make sure you find everything there is to find on this shit.”

“I find out you're holding out on me Sanders I'm coming back and when I leave you won't be breathing. You’re only alive because of her, isn’t that ironic? I know if I kill you it’ll hurt her and I’ll never hurt her. Not even to rid the world of a piece a shit like you. But if you ever in your life cross my path again I’ll end you.”

“Oh and by the way she’s happy, she doesn’t even talk about you you’re nothing but a distant memory. If you survive them, one day when you least expect it, when enough time has passed and she’s forgotten that you ever existed I’m going to kill you.”

I left the building with my men trailing behind me. "How am I supposed to drive with this fucked up knee?" I didn't even bother to answer fuck him.


I'm sure my wife was wondering if I'd lost my damn mind, but for the rest of that day after I returned home I stuck to her like glue. My parents were gone and my guys were turning the Sanders residence upside down looking for anything they could find that would help in our quest to find and return those poor unfortunate kids who had fallen into the clutches of these demons.

We all agreed that time was of the essence, most of the victims had been gone for years already but that didn't mean it was too late, or at least that's what we were hoping.

"Is everything alright Gideon?"

"Yeah baby why?"

"Well, you've been acting strange since you got home." All I could do is look at her beautiful face and just enjoy the fact that she was here and safe and mine.

"I missed you that's all." Her face broke into one of her amazing smiles and my heart felt full and warm. She'd come so close, every time I thought of it my blood ran cold. She'd come so close to being destroyed, I would've never have gotten to know her, her beauty, her warmth. What would my life be like without that? In the short time that we've known each other she's come to mean so much, she'd become everything. I picked her up from the bed and sat her on my lap so full of love for her at that moment.

"What would you like to do today? You've been cooped up for days now, would you like to go out somewhere babygirl?" I held my breath as I awaited her answer.

"No I don't think so, not until we have figured everything out at least, maybe I can sit out on the balcony though that would be nice." Thank heaven for that, I wasn't sure how I would've survived an excursion, but the thought of her being afraid didn't sit well with me either.

"Are you afraid baby?"

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