Page 50 of The Billionaire

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"Get up you piece a shit."

"Easy boss easy."

"I'm cool brother, just give me a minute." I walked it off, I had a feeling I was going to be pissed a hell of a lot more by the time this fucker was through telling his tale. Sick fucks.

"What do you mean as a sacrifice, what kind of sacrifice, sacrifice for what?" I was back in control but barely. The sick feeling in the pit of my stomach just kept growing the more I stood there looking down at him, knowing what he’d done to her.

"I don't know how they do it okay I just know they promised me that if I sacrificed her life I'd get my wife back. All I had to do was wait until she turned eighteen and keep her pure."

"And you believed that shit?" What the fuck?

"I already said my head wasn't straight back then." He kept eyeing me as if he expected me to come after him again which I very well might if he didn’t start making some fucking sense.

"And what were they getting out of this deal or were they just doing it out of the kindness of their hearts?"

"I can't talk about that." I didn't even bother talking to this fuck. I just pulled my piece and blew his kneecap out. The sound was loud and harsh in the abandoned building, his screams more so.

"Fuuuuck, how am I going to explain this?" That was his first thought after the agony abated a little bit. Total sociopath. The thought of my blossom at the mercy of this man was almost too much for me to bear. How the fuck had she survived?

"What was their part of the deal?" I was past caring now, this asshole was getting closer and closer to death.

"I didn't know, I swear I didn't know when they approached me, I only found out later."


"They made a deal with the dark side."

"Come again?"

"They believe that if they sacrifice a virgin on her eighteenth birthday that it will gain them certain powers and wealth."

"What the fuck, is this thirteenth century Europe? What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I'm telling you..."

"Wait wait-wait." I held up my hand. "You're telling me that a United States senator is involved in a cult, in some sort of dark craft?"

"That's what I found out, by that time it was too late I'd already gone too far to turn back. Please you've got to get me some help I'm going to bleed to death here." He clutched at his fucked up knee.

"Just one more thing, what about the kids, the babies and toddlers they've been snatching off the streets of America?"

"Oh, you know about that huh, that's another branch of the organization."

"Come again?"

"I don't know too much about that side of things, I started digging but then I stopped, I only found out that they uh, you know."

"No I don't know why don't you tell me?"

"It's like this some of them are sold into brothels or to individuals all over the world. But I found out that some of them are handpicked and that's when I had to stop. I was getting too close, strange men started showing up in town and I knew it had to be because of my digging only thing is I was doing it secretly so I don't think they ever figured out it was me doing it."

"What do you mean handpicked?"

He took a deep breath and touched his wounded knee gingerly, I didn't even tie it off to stop the flow of blood, let the fuck bleed to death for all I care.

"I mean that some people go shopping for pets and some go shopping for humans and according to their taste it could be man woman or child."

"What the fuck are you saying?"

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