Page 48 of The Billionaire

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I watched as my man walked him towards the building. Sanders didn't look too good, in fact for someone into the kind of shit he dealt with he looked downright scared. It didn't help his case that the mere sight of him had me wanting to taste his blood in my throat. If I didn't need the information to help locate what I was beginning to suspect could be hundreds of missing children I would just end him, but that would be purely selfish.

I waited in the middle of the room for him, hands clasped behind my back, business suit on, stern countenance. I wanted to put fear in his heart and it's been my experience that most people were intimidated by me in this guise. His steps faltered when he first caught sight of me but then his bravado kicked in and he tried to play it off.

"What do you want Thorpe? You've already taken my only child away from me..."

"Shut up, don't even mention her name you fuck, sit down." He was pushed into the only chair in the room. Intimidation one-oh-one, always tower over your enemy.

"Do you know why you're here?" I unbuttoned my suit jacket and placed my hands on my hips.

"Of course not how could I?" He kept looking around at the men in the room.

"Fine, my wife has brought certain things to my attention, things that you and a certain senator and a very well-known prominent doctor have subjected her to." I saw the flash of anger quickly tempered by fear that flitted across his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about, she's lying."

"Stop, before you say another word, know that I believe her all the way and if you fucking call her a liar again or say anything against her, I'll make sure you never fucking walk again. Do we understand each other?"

One of the men walked over and put his hand on Sanders' shoulder making him tense up. His legs started to shake as he played with his hands nervously, sure signs of fear.

"I want to know what he's doing."

"I don't..." I didn't let him finish the lie but clocked him across the face causing blood to fly from his busted lip. He righted himself before he fell out of the chair.

"I can do this all day."

"You can't do this, I'm a cop." He felt his tender lip while scowling around the room, his eyes running from one to the other. Gage, Maurice and Stefan were standing back against the wall while the beefy muscle flanked Sanders.

"Are you stupid, what the fuck did I just do? Now are you going to tell me what the fuck I want to know?"

"You can't make me tell you anything and what's to stop me talking once I leave here?"

"Go ahead I would love to explain to the district attorney just how you came to be here."

"I don't take kindly to being threatened."

"I could give two fucks what you like or don't like, what I do care about is what you did to my wife, now I want to know what they're doing."

"I don't think I'll be telling you anything." He sneered at me; I guess he thought I was pissing in the wind.

"Fine, you can take that knowledge to the grave with you, I'll figure it out some other way."

"What do you mean take it to my grave?"

"Well, if you're not going to talk you're not serving any purpose, I might as well end you here and now."

"You're bluffing."

"Suit yourself." I pulled my suit jacket back and reached into my back for my piece. His eyes widened in fear as I took the safety off and aimed it at his head and I swear he pissed himself.

I didn't even blink as he held up his hands in surrender.

"Okay, okay I'll tell you what I know."

"Go ahead."


He fidgeted around in his chair for a bit before answering me, I knew the bastard was stalling for time but his had run out along with my fucking patience.

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