Page 49 of The Billionaire

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"Don't have all day here Sanders, either talk or let's end this."

"Do you understand that these people would kill me if they found out I talked to you?"

"Do you understand that I'll kill you if you don't? At least with them you might get to live another day, who knows? If you're that afraid of them, of their retribution you might even have time to make a run for it. With me you won't make it out of this room with your life, now start talking."

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything you do but start with my wife; why the fuck were they visiting her since early childhood? What did they have planned for her?" The fear poured off of him in waves, he started sweating profusely as his legs shook even harder. I braced myself for whatever he was going to say next, I’d pretty much drawn my own conclusions so far, but there were just some things that weren’t adding up for me and I needed answers.

"You have to understand I was in a very bad place when this all started." He looked around as though seeking understanding, no one so much as blinked.

"Get on with it."

"Yes, but I need you to understand that I would never have gotten involved with these people otherwise. I mean I'd just lost my beautiful wife and I..."

"Cut the crap Sanders, the night your wife died you were fucking a cocktail waitress at the bar you frequented with your buddies. Now tell me what the fuck I want to know before my patience grows thin."

"How did you...?"

"Never mind how I know, I know plenty. What I don't know and you're going to tell me, is what the fuck you planned to do with my wife."

"What's in it for me?"


He swallowed hard then the fuck; yeah I'm glad you're finally getting it asshole.

"They were going to buy her." His shaking got so hard the chair rattled against the concrete floor.

"I know that much." He started that fidgeting shit again, although I knew that much already hearing him say it out loud still bothered the fuck out of me. He was talking about my wife, a human being that he was going to sell like cattle. It wasn't lost on me that he'd said 'they were going to buy her' as opposed to 'I was selling her. He could try to absolve himself of guilt all he wanted he was still a fucking monster.

"Spit it out Sanders, what was the purpose of you selling your own flesh and blood?"

"For a sacrifice." I stumbled back at his words, I don't know what I'd expected, but that wasn't it. Realistically I knew that I'd saved her that she was home in our home safe and protected but my heart went somewhere else. I pulled my phone and walked away even as my men murmured among each other. I felt the shift in the room, I'm sure Sanders did too.

"Hi sweetheart what're you doing?" I had to clear my throat of the fucking horror. Stay solid Gideon she must never know of anything that went on here today. At least she’d been spared this, she never knew what they had in store for her, so don’t give anything away, nice and smooth.

"I’m watching Steel magnolias with your mom." She sniffled or at least it sounded like it.

"Hey are you crying?" My heart started pounding in my chest and I started charting a map in my head of the fastest route home.

"It's just so sad." I closed my eyes as my pulse calmed down a little.

"Baby if it's making you cry just turn it off."

"No-no it's okay I'm fine I promise."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, when are you coming home I miss you." Straight to the fucking gut.

I looked at her piece of shit sperm donor as I answered her. "I'll be home soon sweet Blossom, soon as I finish here. Give me a kiss." We exchanged smooches, I love you and goodbyes, and I could give a fuck that six grown men were in the room with me right now. Sanders didn't count, fucking insect.

"Carry on." I walked back over to him. I noticed that my men were no longer on the wall but getting closer. Emotions were running high; you could cut the tension in the room with a knife.

"What? That's it."

"That's it? That's it you fucking bastard?" It was only as Gage was pulling me away that I realized I was choking the fuck out of him. He fell to the floor retching and clutching at his throat.

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