Page 36 of The Billionaire

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After clearing away our dishes from lunch I got in bed beside her and held her while I turned on the TV for background noise more than anything.

"Baby can I ask you something?"

"What?" She looked at me as her little hand drew patterns on my shirt. I was about to wade into murky waters here but I needed to get this shit taken care of. I’d decided to kill two birds with one stone.

Since I’ll be taking time off from work I could use the time while she was asleep to plan how to eliminate the fuckers who’d tormented her childhood. But first I needed to know who they were, if they were local or if she even knew who the fuck they were.

"Have you ever seen the doctor and anywhere else other than your house?"

"Uh-uh." Her body was only a little tense so she wasn’t going to go back into her fucking head again. At least I hoped not.

"Would you recognize them, if you saw a picture?" She didn't answer for a long time and then...

"Could you get my school bag please?" I figured that was her way of telling me she didn't want to talk about it anymore. I decided to let her have her way for now, but sooner or later we were going to have to go there again.

I brought the heavy backpack over to her. What the fuck were they giving kids to read these days? It felt like she had a ton of bricks in there.

I watched as she struggled one handedly to pull something out of her bag.

"Here let me help you baby."

"I got it." She pulled out a large envelope and passed it to me. She’d handed me a portfolio, I opened it up with a puzzled look on my face until I saw the drawings there.

"Where did you get these?" I had no doubt as to what I was holding in my hands.

"I made them." She was back to sounding scared so I sat next to her and pulled her onto my chest.

The pencil sketches were of two men over time. In the earlier drawings you could see a bit of the fanciful as the person drew them with inhuman aspects, her monster.

As the drawings got better with time, the facial features became more pronounced until every detail was there. Even a mole on the left side of one man’s cheek.

You've got to be shitting me, it couldn't be. No wonder Cliffy boy thought he could flounce my words and go after her anyway. This shit had just gone to a whole other level but that won’t stop me, it just meant a change of the game plan.

I picked up my secured phone and called Gage my head of security and the only other person I’d trust with this. "Double security, I need you to come in."

She looked at me so scared, like just the fact that the pictures were out in the open could bring her harm.

"Do you know them Gideon?" Fuck me she began to shake. I hugged her as tight as I could without hurting her.

"They'll never come near you again baby, they'll have to go through me first and no way that's gonna happen.

“Why didn't you tell me you were an artist baby?" I tried to change the subject she didn't need to be worrying about this shit right now. It was my turn to do the worrying for her. It took all my control not to leave and go put a bullet in the fucker's head right then and there.

But I had a bad feeling in the pit of my gut that there might be more victims out there, this shit was huge. I had to handle this with care from here on out. This wasn’t just about some small town cop and some perverted fuck looking to buy a young virgin anymore. These people had the best spin-doctors on their payroll if I showed my hand too soon they might walk, fucking politicians.


Ihad security doubled on my place around the clock. Gage had come in for a briefing and was waiting downstairs for me to come to him. I might have to call in a few markers by the time this mess was over, but it would be worth it. I've been on my secured computer ever since she'd fallen back to sleep trying to find everything I could on the senator and one of the nations' Premier physicians.

Why two men from such pedigreed backgrounds would be involved in something as unethical and downright immoral as this, is beyond my imagination but it takes all kinds.

Funny thing is, the senator is one of the loudest voices in the Senate against child abuse of any kind. He heads committees that fight child labor, he petitioned and fought for stiffer sentences for child molesters.

So why the fuck had he been trying to buy my wife and what the fuck was he planning to do with her? Lying fuck, he’d touched her him and the fucking doctor had had their hands on my fucking wife. Hate was too tame a word for what I felt.

A young no doubt terrified little girl had been at the mercy of that deceitful fuck and all the while he’s been in the public eye spouting his bullshit lies. Well senator you’re fucked, you didn’t see me coming you fuck. I find myself with the task of muddling through his background and trying to sift through the public lie and the conspiracy theorist for any nugget, just a little string to pull on.

So far nothing was popping up, no red flags. He came across on paper as just what he wanted the world to believe he was; an upstanding member of society with nothing but accolades and support for his many endeavors.

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