Page 35 of The Billionaire

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"Not if it's going to kill you." Please let this shit work; please don’t let her start thinking of me as the fucking monster.

"But..." She covered herself protectively as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"I don't know what to do, what should I do?" And that's when I knew why I'd chosen to tell her here, why I didn't wait until we were at home.

"Come with me."

I settled her in the electronic chair I'd gotten her to get around in. There was no point in her hobbling around on crutches all the time, this way she could use the chair when she grew tired. I didn't want her over tiring herself anymore than she had to.

We headed to the fifth floor, the nursery and exactly what I expected to happen did. At least I hadn’t been wrong in this. I knew her, knew my baby’s soft sweet heart he hadn’t been able to blacken that.

Her whole face lit up when she saw the babies. I knew it would, how could it not? With that heart there was no way she could destroy our child.

All that was left to do was rebuild her from the ground up. The damage was worse than I'd ever imagined but it could be fixed I'd see to it. I leaned over and kissed the top of her head and she got as close to the glass as she could staring from one tiny bundle to the next with a look of wonder on her face. That’s my girl.

"You see baby, they're innocent and perfect just like you were."

She grabbed my hand and held on tight.

"I'm scared Gideon." When she looked at me this time, at least there was no longer a look of stark terror in her eyes. She was still scared that much was evident but I was no longer in fear of her slipping into darkness.

"I know baby but I promise, look at me...I promise you that if you believe in me, if you trust me, everything will work out great and in about nine months we're going to have a beautiful baby boy or girl who's going to grow up with both a mother and father who loves them unconditionally."

She looked at me like I had the answer to the secrets of the universe. I'd settle for the secret to how to erase everything he'd done to her.


Igot her settled in a room downstairs for the duration when we got home later that day. My mom had been busy bustling around getting things in order and dad had already thought to set me up with an agency that provided outpatient service.

There would be a nurse coming tomorrow and he'd hooked us up with a good doctor that he knew and trusted. I wasn’t sure about the nurse thing anymore but we’ll see how Blossom felt.

Right now she's asleep. She's being understandably needy, wanting me near her at all times, which I can totally understand and it's no hardship for me to give her what she wants.

I'm holding her hand as I work tirelessly on the phone to get my business in order for the next few weeks while I devote all my time to her care.

Every once in a while her fingers would twitch in my clasp and she would make little sounds of distress in her sleep. I never took my eyes off of her as I spoke to the necessary people needed to handle things.

After her little freak out at the hospital and the subsequent visit to the nursery she seemed to have come to terms with the baby. I haven’t really had time to let it sink in yet everything was coming at me hard and fast but one thing was certain.

I’m happy as fuck at the idea. I wouldn’t know what the fuck to do with a kid and neither did she but I’m sure we’d figure that shit out.

It took me a little less than three hours on the phone and she was still out. I think her mind needed just as much rest as her body, but she needed to take her medicine before the pain got to be too much so I’d have to wake her up soon.

I eased onto the bed and kissed her lips softly, brushing her hair back from her temple. I whispered her awake. "Wake up sweetheart."

She groaned and creased her brow until her eyes finally opened. That smile at the sight of me always went straight to the gut. “Hi.” She lifted her head for my mouth and we shared a kiss before I laid her back against her pillow.

"Time for your pills baby, mom made some soup and sandwiches, how about we have lunch and then you can have your medicine, sounds good?"

"Sure." Her voice was sleep soft and warm, luring me to kiss her again. She felt so soft and cuddly and warm, like I could just hold her like this forever and never get tired.

When the kissing threatened to get out of hand I eased off. I’m a fucking animal, here she was battered and bruised and all I could think of was getting inside her damn.

She clutched at me trying to pull me over her but I resisted. “No baby I don’t want to hurt you we need to get you healed up some first.” She pouted and rolled her eyes at me but whatever. I kissed her nose and eased out of her arms.

I made sure she ate and took her meds. We hadn’t mentioned the baby again after we came home. I didn't want her freaking out again, not until I had some help for her. I hated the thought of her having to see a shrink but I think she might need it.

She was also scared shitless of doctors, something I'd found out in the hospital when she was lucid enough to let her discomfort be known, so I’ll have to be with her if we did go that route. Fuck this is too much for me to think about right now. Just get her better and go from there Gideon one thing at a time.

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