Page 32 of The Billionaire

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"Yes dad, very happy. I haven't told Blossom yet though. I'm waiting until we're out of the woods then I'll tell her."

“Then congratulations what did the doctors say about her injuries?” Dad went into doctor mode and ended up hunting down her doctor for answers since I was of no help there. I couldn’t remember half of what the man had said other than that she was going to be okay.

We spent the next hour and a half hashing out the best course of action when she was released. Dad wanted to know why she'd been airlifted in the first place if all she had were a few broken bones and I explained that they'd thought her head injury was more severe from the on scene examination. It didn't matter to me, as long as she was getting the best care that's all I really cared about.

"I think Ashley should come stay with us for a couple of weeks, we'll get her a nurse to help out but you have to work and I'm home all day anyway..."

"Thanks mom but no, she's my wife I'll be the one to take care of her, the nurse sounds like a good idea though."

"Whatever works for you son, we're going to go check into the hotel now, we'll be back later, do you need anything?"

"No mom thanks and thanks again for coming." I watched them leave and checked my watch. I was surprised that I hadn't heard back from my guys as yet. Just as I had the thought my phone vibrated in my pocket.


"It's done."

I hung up without saying another word. And so it begins, there was no going back now. I've started a war with Clifton Sanders. I've taken the fight right to his door, literally.

The next move was his but I had eyes on him, his every move was being documented and his house was still wiretapped.

There was still one more thing I needed to do though. I wanted to make sure all the players pay.

When Blossom finally woke up again she was hungry. That was supposedly a good sign but they kept her on light foods like broth and juice. I wanted to run out and get her the damn burger that she’d never got the chance to have.

She fussed a lot because of the discomfort in her arm and leg, she couldn't move around at her usual speed and she kept banging her arm and her leg into the rail.

"Baby let me do it okay." I took the spoon from her and fed herhersoup. She wanted to know when we could go home, the doctor had said two days and I wasn't willing to move her before then.

She made such a face when I told her she had to stay that I was tempted to beg the doctor to let her leave. Then she almost had a coronary when I was leaving to go get him.

"Ashley what's wrong?"

"Don't leave me please." She pulled on my shirt, her eyes wide with fright.

" Baby what's going on in that head of yours of course I’m not gonna leave you come ‘ere."

I climbed back onto the bed and drew her onto my lap. She curled into me like a baby and my arms drew tighter around her. I could feel the runaway beat of her heart. My baby was scared.

" I don't want them to get me."

"Who baby?" Please God no, don't let her know. I'd always believed that she had no idea what her sick fuck of a father was up to. She hadn't been told about the accident so what was her fear?

"Who Blossom?"

"The monster, he'll get me if you're not here." I was becoming afraid, had she had some kind of psychotic break or something? I tried to play over every conversation we’d ever had to see if there was any clue to what she spoke of. She’d never once let on that she knew her father had anything planned for her so what…?

"Baby what monster? What are you talking about?"

"I can't tell you." She rocked back and forth in my arms as her hold on my shirt tightened.

What the fuck is going on here? She sounded scared out of her mind, now I’m really becoming afraid that the blow to her head had damaged her somehow.

"Tell me Blossom, there's nothing you can't tell me, ever."

"You'll hate me, you'll think I'm dirty." She started crying so hard she almost choked on her tears.

I racked my brain trying to figure out what the hell she could possibly be talking about.

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