Page 31 of The Billionaire

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I held her hand as they prodded and poked her studying her eyes and responses. She cried for pain but they could only give her the lightest dosage because of the fetus.

Seeing her in that much pain was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I held my peace though and never once did I let on to the rage that was growing hotter inside me.

When they were done and the last one had left I climbed up on to the bed with her being extra careful not to jostle her. Maneuvering her so that her head was on my chest I sang to her until she fell asleep.

She was in too much pain to stay awake and I guess whatever they’d dosed her up with was putting her out. I wanted her to stay awake and talk to me. I needed to hear her voice to hear her laugh.

Now that I knew she was okay it seems my mind and my heart let go. I felt the fear I hadn’t been aware of engulf me, the fear of never seeing her beautiful face again. Never waking up next to her holding her loving her.

The tear tracks on her cheeks was the last straw, as soon as I was sure she was asleep I placed the call.

"Did you find her yet?"

"We've got her in our sights, just waiting for the right time to move."

"I want both her legs and wrists broken then throw her on the sidewalk outside Sanders' house."


“For now yes, I want her to suffer and I want her to know why she’s suffering.

"Do we leave a note?"

"No, he'll get the message."

I hung up the phone without an ounce of remorse. The only thing left was Sanders and Starks. I had to get them in a way that wouldn't come back on my wife.

I didn't want her name in anyway associated with this, of course there was bound to be hoopla following the whole Lynn thing. She’s from a well-to-do family, to be found on the streets bloody and broken wouldn't go unnoticed unless the cop was clever enough to hide her before anyone saw her lying in front of his house.

I wanted to expose her for the monster she was but there was no way to do that without getting Blossom's name involved and that I wouldn't do so I have to find another way. I’m going to totally destroy her before I finish her off. She’d almost killed my wife and my fucking kid I want to look her in the eye while I choke the fucking life out of her.

There were voices outside before the door was gently opened and mom and dad came in. I’d forgotten to call them after asking dad for the information earlier but I should’ve known they’d show. I figure Ashley could use a mother's touch poor baby so it was good they were here.

"Hi son how is she?" Mom whispered from the door her eyes glued to her new daughter in law.

“Come in mom, dad, thanks for coming...this is my Blossom.”

Mom and dad stood next to her bed gazing down at her.

"Oh Gideon, she's beautiful." Mom brushed Blossom's hair gently with her fingers as dad and I looked on.

"Thank you." I smiled my first smile since I’d kissed her goodbye this morning.

"Your sister will be here tomorrow."

"She doesn't have to do that mom."

"Of course she does, we're family that's what family does in times like these."

"Okay mom, thanks." I walked around the bed so I could kiss her in gratitude.

"Mom, dad, there is something you should know...Blossom's pregnant."

"Oh dear, is the baby okay isn't it too soon to tell, or did you...?"

"No mom the doctor says she's just a few days. I thought it was too soon to tell too but he assures me that she is. He says the baby's okay so far but they'll keep monitoring just to be on the safe side."

"Are we happy about the news son?" Dad clapped his hand on my shoulder?

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