Page 29 of The Billionaire

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"As Miss. Ashley was coming to the car someone drove up on the sidewalk and hit her. It's bad sir I'm sorry, there was nothing I could do, I didn't even see the guy before he was on top of her."

"Who is he?"

"We don't know yet sir he’s an unknown but we’ve got him."

"Where is she?" I was out of my chair as soon as my legs would work and heading for the door.

"They're air lifting her to County General sir I'm sorry."

"We'll deal with that later I gotta go." I called my pilot and got him in motion then I called my dad to see who he knew at County General.

Gage was next I needed round the clock security put in place before she got there. My mind had gone into robotic mode I did what I had to do but I was detached from it all.

I called the guys that had been sitting on her father's house they'd left the listening devices in place on my command. If he had anything to do with this, the answer to what should be done with him was shorter. I'd kill him plain and simple.

I knew from the description that this was no accident but I'll have to wait until I got all the facts. I never made rash decisions.

In less than an hour I had the information I needed, seems this one was on me. The guy driving was a kid from out of town apparently someone had paid him to run her down. It wasn't hard to understand why he went for it since he spent his days getting high on meth.

It was the blonde woman who had hired him that was of the most interest to me. I had him on ice until I got back. First I had to see to my wife then I'd deal with the refuse in both our lives.


Ihad everything in motion before I left the city. The plane was ready to take off, my guys met me on the tarmac with the tapes from Sanders's house and the hopped up kid was being held in a secure location. Lynn's whereabouts were being searched out. My only concern was getting to my wife who was already in surgery when I called the last time.

I held my breath almost the whole way there pacing the confines of the plane willing the pilot to get there faster. The blood in my veins was ice I'd shut off my conscience.

I couldn’t even think about her lying on some table surrounded by strangers while they worked to patch her up. My baby must be so scared.

“I’m so sorry Blossom.” Fuck why did I keep fucking up with her? The doctor had assured me that her injuries weren’t life threatening but that wasn’t much consolation for me, the fact that she had survived would not spare the ones responsible.

In the business world you have to play hardball more often than not. I've always believed in playing fair, I also believe in retribution, my own and others.

I'd take what ever was thrown at me but somebody was going to die for this, there's no way I could just let it go.

When a wild animal tastes blood they put them down quick lest they get a taste for it, I could do no less here. There was no guarantee that this was a one-time thing.

I know Lynn was the one involved obviously but who else was in on it? She couldn't have seen the newspapers and set things in motion that quickly to pull this off. This had to have been planned, how did she know about my Blossom?

And why had the bitch not come after me instead of going after her? Maybe then I would've spared her but now hell no, that stupid bitch was as good as dead.

I got to the hospital and was ushered to the room where Ashley was laying in a fucking coma. She had a broken leg, fractured wrist and scrapes and bruises. All in all, the doctor said she was lucky not to have sustained more serious injuries.

Thank goodness the kid was too high to know what the fuck he was doing so his speed had been a little off. If he'd been going any faster she would probably be dead.

"Uh, Mr. Thorpe, our Intel says you're her husband?" A doctor came into the room behind me.

"I am." I watched her face as I listened to him, she had a bruise on her temple that was already darkening, other than that her face was untouched. Her leg was in a cast, her wrist bandaged.

She looked so fucking small and defenseless lying there. I kept my eyes on her face willing her to wake up and smile at me. All the emotion I’d been holding at bay threatened to bring me it my knees now that I stood face to face with what they’d done to her.

I clocked back in to the doc when he started asking me questions that had fuck all to do with why my wife was lying there broken. "How long have you two been married sir, if you don't mind me asking?"

"A little less than a week; why?" What the fuck is it to you asshole?

"Well it's just that she's so young..." I gave him a fuck you look and had him backtracking fast.

With his hands out in front of him he was quick to explain. The way I felt right now I wouldn’t mind planting my fist in his face for being stupid. Since when is it a doctor’s place, to ask questions like that? “You got something to say to me you fuck?”

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