Page 30 of The Billionaire

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"No, no, don't get me wrong, it's just that she's very early in her pregnancy..."

I bit my fist and fell back as his words pummeled me like blows. Pregnant, fuck I hadn't even thought...I went to her side, tears blinding me as I checked her over.

"Is the baby safe?"

"For now it looks that way, sometimes it happens like this, the fetus is too small to suffer. Sometimes it's too small to survive, since he or she is only a few days we'll monitor but it looks good.

"Are you sure she's pregnant, I mean how can you tell you just said she's only a few days, doesn't she need to be weeks or months at least?"

"No we've made progress there in the last few years, we're now able to tell in less than a week after the fact in some cases."

"Leave us." I waited until he left the room before taking my seat in the chair next to her bed. With my hand on her flat stomach and my lips next to her ear I made the three of us a promise.

"Nothing like this will ever happen again. I will never allow anyone to harm us again, I stake my life on that."


My blood ran cold as I listened to the latest tapes my guys had brought me before I’d boarded the plane. My wife was laying in a coma, bruised and battered as I listened through the headphones, her hand clasped tightly in mine.

‘I could give a fuck about your little slut of a daughter, I just want her out of Gideon’s life, but since you don't seem to care one way or the other either, I think I'll just go ahead and make it permanent.’

‘Kill the little bitch for all I care, she's damaged goods now anyway, she has no reason to live, doesn't serve a purpose anymore, does that answer your question Miss. Halston?’

To say I was pissed would be a vast understatement there was no limit to what I would do to make them pay. My men were already on the hunt but now I had new orders for them.

I squeezed her hand in mine reassuring myself that she was here and she was safe from them. If I had to take her everywhere with me for the rest of her fucking life no one would touch her unless they went through me.

I sat next to her hospital bed, her hand in mine as I prayed. I prayed for her, our unborn child, and for forgiveness for what I was about to do.

"Ashley baby please wake up." I kissed her cold lips, my heart hurting. It had been hours and still nothing. The stupid fuck doctor said it was just her body’s way of protecting itself whatever the fuck that meant, but I didn’t like it.

“Come on baby I need to see your pretty eyes.” I felt helpless just sitting there doing nothing when I wanted to be out there hunting the fuckers myself. Instead I had to wait for word from my men.

I couldn’t leave her, wouldn’t leave her here like this unprotected even though I had men outside her door. I was afraid to even take my eyes off of her for a second.

How the fuck had I let this happen? How had I not sensed the threat from Lynn? I was so busy focusing on the danger from Sanders that I hadn’t given thought to what I might be bringing into her life and it had almost cost her, cost us both.

A baby, I can’t even get my mind around that, two innocents to protect. I cleared my mind and settled into the chair with my head back. I was suddenly very tired. I needed to shut my mind off for now, there was nothing more I could do tonight except wait for my Blossom to wake up and tell me she was going to be okay.

I felt her fingers twitch in mine and was up and over her in a flash.

"Blossom...come on baby, come back to your Gideon." I kissed her face so she would feel me, so my touch would be the first thing she felt when she came to. She came to slowly, her face scrunching up in pain.

" Gideon? It hurts."

"I know baby, I'll get the doctor." I used the call button instead of running out the door screaming the place down like I wanted to.

"I love you baby, you scared the shit outta me, you with me now?"

"My head hurts, everything hurts."

"No don't move your doctor should be here any minute."

The medical team came in, not just the nurse because I'd made it very clear to the doctor that she was to get the best attention and care. Nothing against nurses, but a young girl in the extreme early stages of pregnancy coming out of a coma needed the attention of a doctor.

The first one that even hinted at me leaving the room while they did their thing got a look that pretty much set the precedent for the others.

No fucking way.

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