Page 16 of The Billionaire

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I shoved him away from me onto the floor his face had paled at the mention of a recording. Good you piece a shit, now worry what recording I'm talking about I'm sure your treatment of your daughter isn't your only vice. I followed him up the stairs and went to her room while he went after what I needed.

In her room I gathered only those things she would need for school. On a hunch I opened her closet and a few drawers, fucking bastard, she barely had the bare necessities.

I met him in the living room where he had a packet ready for me. I opened it up and checked just to be sure, I didn't trust him worth a damn.

"You owe me four thousand dollars I expect it by the end of the week."

"What? I don't owe you anything." He tried to get huffy but we both knew it was only for show, I’m pretty sure if he gave me any excuse I’d end his ass right here and now.

"Yeah, the shit you destroyed, I paid for, you'll give me four-thousand, and for every day that it's late that will be another five hundred. If more than a week goes by then I start taking it out of your ass and trust me that little skirmish is nothing compared to what I will do to you."

"You don't need that money..."

"I know, but I hate you, I want you to suffer in anyway I can make you suffer, besides you owe her a hell of a lot more than that you monster."

"I want that tape, I kept my end of the bargain I gave you what you wanted."

"You'll never see that tape. Until I'm sure she's safe from you and that you won't be a pain in my ass the tape stays. Funny you don't even know what's on those tapes and you're still worried, you really are a sick fuck."

"All this trouble for that little bit..."

My fist was in his mouth before he could finish the sentence, I didn't stop there either, he’d finally given me just the opening I needed dumb fuck.

It had been some years since I had to talk with my fist, but it all came back to me. His puny attempts were no match for my burning anger. I hit him for every year she had spent in terror, for every missed childhood dream. I didn't stop plowing my fist into him until I grew tired.

"Come near her again, I'll kill you."

I turned and walked out. There was no way of knowing whether or not he would heed my warning the guy seems not too bright. Either that or his personal vendetta against her superseded everything else including self -preservation.

I cleaned up before going to work and at about one I left to pick her up at school. Our house hunting will have to wait one more day. Today I’m going to fill every closet in the penthouse with shit for her. I thought of calling my sister over to get her input but changed my mind. I’m just not ready to share her with anyone else as yet not even family.

She walked out with the rest of the kids and headed for the car, the down look on her face disappearing as she climbed in next to me.

"How was your tests love?" I drew her in to get a fix it felt like forever since I’d dropped her off. I looked at her to make sure she was okay and that there were no lingering effects from her ordeal the night before. I’m sure that shit’s gonna fuck with her for a while but I’m gonna do all that’s in my power to cut it out like a cancer.

"Easy." She seemed more at ease than when I dropped her off as she clutched my arm while I drove. Maybe I was worrying for nothing. Damn, if one morning of freedom could do that for her then I would see that it never changed.

"We're going shopping again today love, you need clothes and stuff."

"That's too much, after yesterday."She pulled away and fussed with her seat belt.

"Ashley, do you have any idea how much I'm worth?" She shook her head no, and how refreshing was that? Shit any of the females of my past acquaintance would sell an ovary for the chance to go shopping on Gideon Thorpe’s dime.

"I'm worth more than you can spend in ten lifetimes so I don't want you worrying about that stuff okay?" When she didn't answer I chanced a glance at her and found her worrying her lip again.

I know she wasn't accustomed to anyone spending money on her but she would have to get used to it, I intend to spoil the fuck out of her everyday for the rest of her life. “I don’t really know what to buy, I’ve never…”

“So buy everything you like I mean it Ashley if you see something you want I want you to get it.”

“I don’t know if I can.”

“Fine I’ll just have to help you then.” I decided to change the subject and asked her about school instead. That seemed to settle her a little and by the time we pulled up to the mall she was a little more relaxed. Nothing had been said about Cliffy, she hadn’t brought him up and I’d be fucked if I was going to. Let’s hope this was a case of out of sight out of mind.

Our first stop was one of those young people stores with nothing but jeans and t shirts where I had her change out of her uniform first before we got down to some serious shopping. Then I dragged her into every high- end store that had decent clothing in the window.

It was almost five hours later when we returned home laden down with shopping bags. Once again she looked like a teenaged girl, her eyes alight and bursting at the seams to go through her loot again.

"Go ahead babe, I'll start dinner, come find me in the kitchen when you're done."

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