Page 17 of The Billionaire

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She kissed me again for the one-hundredth time before heading off to our bedroom. Our bedroom, I liked the sound of that. Where before I guarded my freedom like Cerberus at the gates of hades, I was more than happy to see it go down the drain, she fucking owned me. Completely and irrevocably, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


She came downstairs not even ten minutes after disappearing with her loot, all flushed and happy. And just the sight of her made me smile. She looked so young and carefree here, the way she was supposed to.

"That was quick." I kissed the top of her head my hands were dirty since I'd been marinating salmon steaks for the grill.

"I started to try them on, but then I missed you so I came back down." Shit, could she be any sweeter?

"Hop on up here then and keep me company, then after dinner you can model for me okay baby."

"Okay." She blushed and grinned as she hopped up onto the counter, barely making it without my help. She was so tiny, my heart clutched, I could've lost her before I found her. Not now Gideon, just concentrate on making her happy. That’s your new mission in life don’t let that twisted fuck intrude here. This is your first real night together in her new home you have to make it special.

"Can I help?"

"Nope, I've got it covered. I'm just grilling, salad's already made. I would offer you a glass of wine but I don't want to corrupt you...yet." I smirked at her and she blushed.

"In Europe I can have wine."

"We'll talk about that when we're there." She pouted at me, her bottom lip just enticing me to take a bite.

"Ummmm cherry. You trying to get me to eat your lips off?" She giggled as my tongue licked across her lips, shoulders scrunching up to her ears as I tried for a nibble there too.

"Now behave yourself so I can feed us, you tired my old self out with your shopping."

"Me? That was all your fault. I was finished two hours before you were ready to leave you kept finding stuff for me to try on."

She's right too. I'd had a blast watching her try on new outfits her eyes widening as each pile grew and bigger and bigger. And that was just the beginning.

I'd also introduced her to another form of shopping, where someone else got to model the clothing while we got to sit and sip on champagne or in her case sparking cider and nibble onfoiegrason toast points which I enjoyed and Blossom turned up her nose at. We'll have to work on her palette.

For all our complaining we'd both enjoyed ourselves, she was now the proud owner of a complete wardrobe that would be the envy of any teen princess.

She'd gotten her ears pierced at my insistence when I caught her staring at earrings in a shop window. She was now sporting a pair of Tiffany's two-carat diamond studs, which her fingers kept gravitating towards repeatedly.

I opened the French doors that lead off the breakfast nook onto the patio where I had the grill already heating just waiting for the fish.

I'd skewered some fresh pineapple rolled in sugar to grill as well, a nice accompaniment to the fish. When I'd asked Ashley what she wanted for dinner her first choice had been McDonald's of all things. I'd squashed that out the box but after she'd explained that she'd never had one of America's favorite fast food burgers, I'd almost cried for her.

Immediately I'd shifted my plans for the weekend, Saturday was going to be dedicated to her only. Whatever she wanted to do, but there was definitely a Big Mac for lunch in her future.

I hope I survive it I haven't eaten one of those things since I was a teen. Mom wasn't too big on fast food either, though it wasn’t for the same reasons as her dick of a father. At least we were allowed one every once in a while, we just weren't allowed to make a habit of it, which was as it should be.

"I know; I'll set the table." She broke my inner ramblings with that announcement as she jumped down off the counter.

"Already done baby, just relax, there's nothing for you to do."

I could tell she was nervous, probably not accustomed to sitting idly by while someone else did all the work, took care of her. I wondered what her evenings had been like at home. Did he make her wait on him hand and foot?

Was she even allowed to watch television? Come to think of it, there hadn't been one in her room, and I can't imagine she wanted to spend her free time in a room with him unless she absolutely had to. Put it away Gideon she’s here now and she can watch all the mindless drivel that teens seemed to like on the tube anytime she likes.

I lit the tapered candles in their silver holders in the middle of the table when dinner was ready.

She blushed as I seated her and I couldn't help kissing her heated cheek. Such a delight my little Blossom.

"I hope you like it."

"I don't think I've ever eaten so much salmon before I met you."

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