Page 29 of The Twin Sheikhs

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“I am coming with you all to search for my brother,” he said.

“It is not safe for you, your highness,” said one of the men. Bassem dismissed him with his hand.

“We have to find my brother as soon as possible, let’s go.” Bassem headed to one of the black SUVs with Blake behind him.

“Make sure no harm comes to his highness,” Badir instructed the men.

“Yes sir,” they all answered in chorus and then rushed off into the other SUVs. Badir rushed after Bassem and opened the backseat door for him.

“I will drive you and stay by your side,” Badir said to the sheikh. “I must stay with you and make sure that you are safe.”

“Suit yourself,” Bassem replied. He turned to face Blake. “Must you come?” he asked her. Blake nodded.

“The both of you shouldn’t be coming,” Badir mumbled under his breath. Bassem shot him a glance from the corner of his eye. Badir cleared his throat and looked away. Blake got into the backseat of the car and buckled her seat belt. Bassem got in and sat down next to her.

Badir shut the door and then walked around the car to the driver’s side. He got into the car and stuck the key into the ignition. And then they were off.


There were a couple of cars in front of their car and more cars behind them. Blake figured that they did that just in case something happened, and then the sheikh’s car wouldn’t be the first to get into an accident or something.

They had been driving for over two hours. She glanced over to Bassem to check how he was doing. He was sitting there emotionless. He wore such a stern facial expression. Blake couldn’t guess what was going through his head. Bassem turned to face her.

“What?” he asked her.

“Nothing, just wondering what’s going through your mind right now,” she replied.

“I just hope that my brother is in one piece when I reach him.”

Blake took Bassem’s hand into hers. He looked at their hands and then at her. “He will be,” she replied.

“How can you be so sure?”

“We have to have faith. Besides, if they harmed your brother, then they wouldn’t be able to get their money. I am sure they want money.”

Bassem didn’t respond. He just stared at Blake for a moment without saying a word. Blake was always so confident around Bassem but now that he was so close to her and staring at her, she was feeling very shy and nervous. She looked down and then looked back up. Bassem was still looking at her. His intense gaze made her stomach knot up.

He leaned in closer to her until their faces were so close to each other. He caressed her cheek with his thumb as he searched her face. The car suddenly came to a halt.

“Ah, your highness?” Badir said awkwardly.

“What?” Bassem spat out.

Blake tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and looked away. She touched her face with the back of her hand. It felt warm; no doubt she had been blushing. She wondered if Bassem had been intending to kiss her. That was the second time they had been awkwardly staring at each other and then were interrupted before anything could transpire. Damn those people with bad timing, Blake thought to herself.

“This is the place where the prince’s phone was turned off,” Badir said to Bassem. Blake looked out of the window. They had stopped by the roadside. The road was in the middle of a forest. There was nothing but trees in sight. The other SUVs had also parked at the side of the road. The security guards got out of the cars.

“It’s such a deserted area,” said Blake.

“They probably ditched the phone here. I doubt that they were stupid enough to stick around in the same area where they ditched the phone,” Bassem pointed out.

“Criminals usually get caught because of the stupidest mistake,” said Badir. “We have to start searching this area and then expand our search.”

“Okay.” Bassem sighed. Badir got out of the car and went to talk to the other security guards. He seemed to be giving them orders. They all nodded and headed back to their SUVs.

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