Page 28 of The Twin Sheikhs

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Chapter 12

“I don’t class Pilates as exercise,” said Bassem. Blake frowned at him.

“How can you say that with a serious face?” she asked him. Bassem shrugged his shoulders.

“To me, Pilates and yoga are not strenuous exercise. It’s just stretching and posing.”

“I can’t believe my ears.” She burst into laughter. “Pilates works for me, it keeps me in shape. It is a form of exercise,” she added. Bassem didn’t even know how they had ended up talking about exercising. They had been sitting in the living room talking for hours.

“You’ll probably try to convince me that ballet is a sport,” he said.

“Okay, I don’t do ballet but apparently, it is a sport. I’m just not interested in it,” she replied.

“I doubt that you play any sports?”

“And you do?”

“Of course.”

“Don’t say you play golf.”

Bassem smiled. “I play golf as well as swimming and fencing,” he said.

“Fencing?” Blake frowned.

“What is wrong with fencing?” Bassem asked.

“For us ordinary people, it’s not a normal thing to do,” Blake replied. Bassem was surprised at how interesting Blake was. She was so easy to talk to and had a great sense of humor. Her being around had helped him relax and just take his mind off his brother. Her presence was comforting.

“I appreciate you being here,” he said to her. Blake looked at Bassem and took his hand into hers. Her hand was so soft and warm.

“This is not the kind of situation anyone should go through alone,” she said. Bassem reached out and placed his hand on her cheek. He caressed her silky soft skin with his thumb. He slowly closed the gap between them. Just when their faces were inches away from each other, Badir walked into the room and bowed his head to the sheikh.

“We traced Prince Basil’s phone. It pinged off a cell phone tower in Bear Creek,” said Badir.

Bassem and Blake both rose up from the sofa quickly with similar expressions of shock on their faces. “You did?” Bassem asked Badir.

“Oh my God,” Blake breathed.

“His cell phone pinged about an hour ago before it was switched off. I am going to send some men to search the area within a twenty-mile radius,” the man said to the sheikh.

“That is a good idea, let’s go.”

“Sheikh, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to come.”

“I am coming along and that is not up for discussion.” Bassem headed for the door. Blake rushed out after him. He stopped walking and turned to face her. “Where are you going?” he asked her.

“I’m coming with you of course,” she replied.

“No, you are not.”

“Yes, I am. We can stand here and waste time arguing about it or we can go out and look for Basil.”

Bassem stared at Blake for a moment. She was so serious and didn’t look like she was willing to back down. He sighed before he caved. “Fine,” he said to her. He turned on his heel and headed down the hall.

There were a lot of men that served under the king’s secret service getting ready to depart when Bassem walked outside.

“Your highness,” they all said in chorus and bowed their heads to Bassem.

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