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Chapter 15

“It seems like you are getting along with the prince,” said Gloria. Fiona frowned at the screen. She was having a Skype video call with her best friend.

“Things definitely have improved between us but he is unpredictable. I never know what he is going to say to me,” she replied.

“Maybe something will happen between the two of you.”

“Ha!” Fiona let out a laugh. Daniel was a very attractive man but they were so different. It was not a good idea for something unprofessional to develop between the two of them. “His mother would kill me.”

“She will warm up to you.”

“Not any time soon.” Fiona sighed. Gloria giggled.

“In the meantime, just don’t upset the ice queen,” she said.

“Ice queen?” Fiona burst into laughter. “She is quite cold.”

“So what are you doing today?”

“I have the day off. Daniel is having lunch with his family.”

“What do you actually do on your days off?”

Fiona pouted. “Nothing really. I just stay in my quarters and watch something. Maybe I should go sightseeing or something. I am curious to see what El Saad looks like,” she said.

“You should go with Daniel,” Gloria said with a cheeky grin.

“Does that even seem like an option to you?”

“Yes. It may cheer him up.”

“I doubt that he would want to go.”

“It would be good for you if you went together because if you went alone, you’d get lost.” Gloria started laughing. “You are so bad with directions,” she added. Fiona started laughing also. It was quite true. She was really bad with directions.

After speaking to Gloria, Fiona called her mother. She missed her family so much. It was the first time she was away from them for that long. As expected, her mother missed her dearly. Her father missed her too but he didn’t express his feelings. He just asked her if she was eating well and if she was happy.

After speaking to her parents, Fiona switched on the television and started flipping through channels. It was her day off and she was actually bored. She was meant to be relaxing and enjoying her time off but she wasn’t. She had been working for Daniel for three weeks and she had gotten used to being around him. It was very strange, she thought to herself.


Daniel sat across from the grey-haired woman holding a notepad and a pen. His grandmother had come to his quarters early in the morning and practically forced him to meet with the palace psychologist. He would have refused but Lady Agaiby had come with the psychologist.

“It has been a while since we met,” said Dr. Ansari, the psychologist.

“There is a reason for that,” Daniel replied. Dr. Ansari smiled.

“I understand that you don’t like to meet with me but it is essential for your recovery.”

“Talking with you will not get me out of a wheelchair.”

“No it will not but it will help you to cope better,” she said. Daniel groaned in response and just leaned back into the sofa. “How have you been? What is new?”

“I have been the same and nothing is new,” he replied.

“I heard that you went to the cabinet meeting.”


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