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“Who?” Daniel asked.

“Fiona.” His grandmother shook her head.

Daniel shrugged his shoulders. “I am just waiting for her to give up and return to the States,” he said lazily.

“I do not think this girl will leave easily. If I thought she would, I would have never hired her.”

“They always leave.” Everyone always left. No one had ever stuck by him. The ones that did, only did so because of his position as the crown prince. People often approached him because they wanted money or power.

“My dear, stop being so negative. It is not good for the soul,” said Lady Agaiby. The maids brought in the food and served them both. Daniel did not reply to his grandmother. He just frowned and picked up his fork.

“There are too many onions,” Daniel complained. Lady Agaiby smiled at him.

“Some things never change.”


“You have always been a picky eater since you were young. I thought it would change when you were older but I guess not.”

“I am not that picky,” Daniel protested. His grandmother laughed gently.

“Your mother has been busy,” she said. She cut a small piece of her steak and ate it.

“Busy doing what?”

“She is searching for a perfect daughter-in-law.”

Daniel rolled his eyes. “I don’t want to get married,” he said.

“But you have to.”

“I know.” Daniel knew that he had to get married because he was the crown prince. Since he was to inherit the throne, he needed to have a queen at his side and an heir.

“If you know, then stop fighting it,” said Lady Agaiby. “Unless if you have someone in mind that you wish to marry.”

“Not really.” He had never been in a relationship with the same woman for more than two months. All the women he had ever been involved with had been so materialistic and shallow. None of them were interesting. They were all only interested in his money and looks.

“I guess you will just have to trust that your mother will find you a beautiful and intelligent bride,” said Lady Agaiby.

“I am not even in the position to get married or be with a woman.”

“What do you mean by that?” Lady Agaiby paused with her fork in midair and just stared at Daniel as she waited for an answer.

“Nothing.” Daniel didn’t even want to elaborate on his statement.

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