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“That way.” He pointed towards the door at the far end of the room. Fiona pushed him towards the door and then out into the hallway. She pushed him down the corridor until they reached his bedroom.

“Wow.” She gasped as she came to a halt. She started looking around. “Your bedroom is incredible,” she added. Daniel knew that his room was impeccable. He had chosen the grey décor himself. He liked things that looked good. He was the only son of the king and it had to show.

“The bathroom is that way,” said Daniel pointing towards the gap between the bed and the wall. Fiona pushed him towards the opening.

“No door?” she asked as she wheeled him through the opening and into the massive grey and white marble-tiled bathroom.

“I wanted it this way.”

“Oh my.” She stood there taking in her surroundings.

“I would like to relieve myself now,” he said. Fiona looked at him.

“Do you need help?” she asked.

“I can use the toilet myself,” he snapped.

“Oh, okay. I will give you some privacy then.” She turned on her heel and stalked the exit. Daniel sighed and shook his head. He used the toilet and then washed his hands. He wiped them with a clean towel and then threw it into the laundry basket. He wheeled himself back into his bedroom. Fiona was looking at the painting above his bed.

“Take me back to the living room,” he said to her.

“Okay.” She went behind him and started pushing him out of the room. “What would you like to do today?” she asked him as they headed out of the room. Daniel sighed. He would have wanted to spend some time alone but Fiona was there.

“Just take me back to the living room,” he said.

“Sure thing,” she replied and did as told. When they were back in the living room, Daniel gestured for her to stop pushing when they were near the sofas.

“Push me a little bit closer.”

“Okay.” Fiona moved him a bit closer to the sofa. Daniel held the edges of the wheelchair and heaved himself up. Fiona quickly snaked her arm around his waist.

“I can do it myself!” he snapped.

“Let me help you.” She held onto him even more tightly and helped him onto the sofa. He was annoyed at her putting her hands on him but was surprised at her strength. She had managed to bear his weight and help him onto the sofa even though she was much smaller than he was.

“How dare you put your hands on me?” he said to her.

“I was only trying to help.”

“I don’t need your help.”

“On the contrary, you do.”

Daniel raised his eyebrows. “Excuse me?” he asked. She spoke so boldly. None of his other caregivers or maids ever spoke to him without fear. They always kept their heads down and apologized profusely. No one ever dared to touch him without his permission.

“You could do more damage to yourself if you are not careful,” she said.

“What could be worse than being in a wheelchair?” he barked.

“Death,” she said calmly.

“What is the difference?”

Fiona raised her eyebrows. “There is a big difference, your highness. It’s a good thing that you are still alive. You may regain use of your legs one day, you can’t lose hope,” she said.

“Watch how you speak to me,” he warned.

“I don’t mean to disrespect you. I am just saying that this is not the end.”

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