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Emma was not too short and not too tall. She had long brunette hair with a few golden highlights. She had a nice warm beige skin tone, and big grey eyes. She was not so bad-looking.

“The look on her face when she fell was especially funny,” Kiro said to his bodyguard.

“It was how surprised she was to see you,” said Sadiq, his bodyguard.

Kiro got out of the elevator on the fifth floor. Dania rose to her feet as he approached his desk.She bowed her head to him. “Good evening, Sheikh Besada. How was your meeting?” she asked him.

“It was fine,” Kiro replied. “Are there any messages for me?”

“There is only one message, from your mother. She said that she was trying to reach you, and she would appreciate it if you would return her call.”

Kiro sighed and shrugged his shoulders. His mother had been recently invested in the idea of finding him a wife. Since he had turned thirty years old, she had decided that he had to be wed before he turned thirty-one. She did not want him to get married too late in life.

“Thank you,” Kiro said to Dania. He headed into his office and sat down at his desk. He took his suit jacket off and pulled his phone out of his pocket. He dialed his mother’s number.

“Hello,” she answered the phone moments later.

“Hello,” Kiro answered.

“Oh Kiro, finally! I was starting to think that maybe something may have happened to you,” she said.

“I am fine, just busy with work.”

“You can’t be too busy to speak with your mother.”

“As the queen of El Sourial, you also have matters that you need to attend to.”

“I do but that does not make me too busy to speak with my only son. I even had to call your work because you weren’t picking up your phone.”

“How have you been?” Kiro asked.

“I have been well. Sheikh Omari and his family came to the palace yesterday. His eldest daughter has turned into a beautiful and elegant lady. She is now twenty-six years old,” said his mother.

“Oh.” Kiro was not interested in Sheikh Omari’s eldest daughter. He did not know her nor did he want to.

“I will send you a picture of her. Ah, she is beautiful. You will like her.”

Kiro grunted in response. “I see,” he replied.

“Kiro, you need to get married soon. This attitude you have is not helping. Why won’t you meet with anyone that I have mentioned?” She sounded frustrated.

“I promise to meet with anyone of your liking when I come there next.”

His mother gasped. “You will?” she asked. Kiro could hear the excitement in her voice.

“I don’t have a choice,” he mumbled.

“You are thirty years old; you need to get married sooner than later. Besides, you are the crown prince of El Sourial. You need to have an heir.”

“An heir? I am not even the king yet. We don’t need to discuss that.”

“We do. Don’t you understand how important it is to have heirs?”

“Okay, it was lovely hearing your voice. Please pass my regards to father,” said Kiro.

“You are cutting me off,” she said plainly.

“Have a good night, Mother. I have a meeting to attend,” he said before he hung up the phone.

Kiro had been in relationships with women. However, there was never one woman that had stuck out. They were all the same. They were materialistic and boring. He had never fallen in love with any one of them nor had he forged a relationship that he wanted to stay in forever. Marriage was something he didn’t want but he knew that he had no choice. That was one of the burdens of being the future king of El Sourial. He needed to have a queen and an heir.

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