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“Hi.” Emma yawned.

“Morning,” he greeted her. “Did you sleep well?”

“I did.” She had slept well on the comfortable bed.

“Good,” Kiro replied as he started walking. Emma walked with him.

“Why are we going riding so early?”

“It’s the best time to go riding,” he said. Emma crossed her eyebrows. She didn’t see the difference. Surely riding was the same no matter what time of the day it was.

It was a long walk from the palace to the stables. Emma was amazed that Kiro had grown up in such an incredible place.The place was simply beautiful and big. Emma knew that if she wanted to get around she was going to need an escort because there was no way she was going to remember how to get back to her room.

“Have you ever been horseback riding?” Kiro asked her when they had reached the stables.

“No, I haven’t,” Emma replied.

“I guess you will have to ride with me.”

One of the stable hands brought out Kiro’s large brown Arabian mare. Emma stared at the massive beast. She had never been so close to a horse before. She reached out and stroked it. The horse was already saddled up. Kiro got on the horse first. He pulled Emma up onto the horse. Emma was impressed by his strength. He had heaved her up as if she weighed nothing.

Emma settled in behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist. He tugged on the reins and the horse started trotting. They were moving slowly. It wasn’t so bad, Emma thought to herself.

“How often do you ride?” Emma asked Kiro.

“Quite often. I still ride whenever I come home,” he replied. Emma rested her face against his large strong back. She felt so comfortable against his body. They rode slowly at first. Then they started galloping faster. Emma let out a squeak.

“Are you okay?” Kiro called to Emma.

“I’m fine,” she shouted above the noise of the horse’s hooves pounding the ground. The faster they rode, they more excited Emma felt. It felt so good to have the wind whipping through her hair. The speed of the horse was thrilling.

They finally came to a halt at a hill. Kiro jumped off the horse. He held out his hand to Emma and helped her down from the horse. He tied the reins onto the tree so that the horse didn’t run off.

“That was so amazing,” Emma said to Kiro. He smiled at her and held her by the waist.

“You liked that?” he asked. Emma smiled and nodded.

“Why do you prefer riding in the morning?”

“It’s not too hot and not too cold. I used to like riding early in the morning before I got my day started.”

Emma clung onto Kiro’s shirt. “I can’t believe you grew up around here. This place is just amazing,” she said. She looked up at the clear blue sky. They were in such a beautiful place. Kiro was holding her waist. It was the perfect moment for a kiss. However, Emma felt too shy to initiate a kiss. She moved closer to him in hopes that he would get the hint and kiss her.

Kiro pulled her closer to him and held her tightly. “If you want to kiss me, then just do so,” he said to her.

“Huh? What makes you think that I want to kiss you?” Emma asked him. She felt her cheeks turning red. If Kiro knew that she wanted to kiss him, then he should have just kissed her instead of pointing it out.

“You’re not afraid to risk your life to save me but you’re afraid to kiss me first?” he asked her.

“Who said that I was afraid?” she asked. She was afraid to initiate a kiss. She was afraid of rejection.

Kiro raised his eyebrows and tilted his head. His jaw twitched as he was staring at Emma. She looked down for a second. She looked up and quickly kissed Kiro on the lips. Just she was trying to walk off, Kiro pulled her closer to him and stopped her from dashing off. He leaned in closer and pressed his lips against hers. Emma melted into Kiro’s arms as he kissed her. It was exactly what she had wanted.

Kiro broke off the kiss and kissed her forehead. Emma pulled away and looked at him.

“What happened to my car?” she asked him. Kiro laughed a little.

“That was random,” he replied.

“I suddenly remembered that you never told me what you did with my car.”

“It’s in my home in Dallas.”

“Doing what?”

“It’s in the garage. I had it repaired.”

Emma shook her head. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” she asked him.

“I was going to but I honestly forgot.” He grinned at her. Emma pushed him away playfully. Kiro smiled and kissed her cheek.

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