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Chapter 18


Emma’s mother walked into her bedroom as Emma was packing her suitcase. She sat down on Emma’s bed. “How long will you be gone for?” she asked her.

“I will be in El Sourial for a couple of days,” Emma replied. She was flying out to El Sourial with Kiro. She had finished her classes at 1 p.m. as she always did on Fridays, and then she had rushed home to start packing. She was going to be in El Sourial until Tuesday. She couldn’t stay there for too long because of her classes. Kiro had invited her to fly out to El Sourial with him because he had sent Dania on business to Kuwait.

It had been two weeks since she had been to Mexico with Kiro. In the past week, they had spent time together outside the office. Emma had been to his house for dinner. She and Kiro would dine together and sit in the living room and just talk. Everything had been great except the fact that he hadn’t kissed her. He often teased her or kissed her cheek but not her lips. Emma was starting to get impatient. She wasn’t sure what kind of relationship they had. She wanted to know if they were officially dating but if they were why had he not kissed her since Mexico?

“Why is the sheikh taking you along?” her mother asked.

“I’m covering for his secretary. She’s in Kuwait,” Emma replied. She dumped a pair of shoes in her suitcase. Her mother raised her eyebrows.

“You haven’t been working for him for that long. I’m sure there is someone more experienced that could go with him to El Sourial.”

“That’s true. I guess it’s an opportunity for me to learn more about the business too.”

“What is going on between you and the sheikh?”


“Is he the sheikh that bid on you at the charity gala?” Her mother crossed her arms over her chest. Emma knew that her mother was onto her and there was no point in lying.

“Yes,” Emma replied.

“So he is the man that you have been spending time with.”


“Emma. It’s not wise to date your boss,” her mother advised.

“We are not dating,” Emma replied. Her mother raised her eyebrows. She didn’t believe her. Emma sat down on the bed next to her mother. “I don’t know what to call it,” she added.

“First tell me everything,” said her mother. Emma told her most of what had been happening between herself and Kiro. She left out the part about him almost getting kidnapped. She knew that if she told her mother about that, she would try to stop Emma from being around Kiro.

Emma felt comfortable talking to her mother about Kiro because she had a close relationship with her mother. She was able to talk to her about almost anything. Her mother was very understanding and always gave her good advice.

“It’s not easy being around a rich man. I understand that he is a handsome prince and that he is charming. However, relationships like that often end badly,” said her mother.

“Why do you say so?” Emma asked.

“There is a good chance he is with other women and that’s why he hasn’t fully committed to you. There is also a good chance that he will get married soon. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

Emma nodded. Her mother made sense. Emma understood her mother’s point and was already worried because she wasn’t sure where she stood with Kiro. However, she wasn’t ready to just give up. He was an amazing man and she felt that he was worth it.

“I really like him,” Emma admitted. It was the first time she had said that out loud. Her mother took her hands into hers.

“I won’t tell you what to do. You’re a big girl. So you decide what you want to do but just be careful,” her mother said to her gently.

“I will.”

Emma finished packing her suitcase and then headed downstairs. She gave her sisters some pocket money to spend while she was gone. She wasn’t staying away for long but she had never been away from her sisters for more than two days. Her family escorted her outside when Kiro’s driver arrived and bid her farewell.

Kiro was waiting for Emma outside his private jet when she arrived. She felt excited about having the opportunity to go to El Sourial. She wanted to see the country that Kiro was from. She was also excited about spending time with him. She was grateful to Dania for being out of town.

Emma and Kiro walked up the stairs and got into the jet. Emma sat in the seat next to Kiro. She felt exciting about being in a private jet again. She didn’t have to wait at a long line in the airport only to fly economy with a crying baby somewhere. Everything felt like a dream. They took off moments later.

“How long does it take to get to El Sourial?” Emma asked Kiro once they were in the air.

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