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“But why are you giving it to me?”

“Your car has a dent in it.”

Emma raised her eyebrows and stared at Kiro in shock. He was giving her a car because hers had a dent in it. He was not giving her money for a repair; he was giving her a car. From the symbol on the key, she could tell that it was a Mercedes-Benz.

“Okay, I was going to get it fixed,” she replied slowly. She had no idea how to handle the situation. No one had ever given her a car. The current one she had, she had bought herself with money earned from part-time jobs.

“It’s better to just get a new car,” Kiro replied.

“I appreciate the gesture, but you don’t need to do that.” Emma tried to hand him the car key but he did not take it. He just kept his eyes on her.

“It’s just a car.”

“It’s not just a car. It’s an expensive car and it’s not right for me to take it.”

“Just take it.” Kiro got out of the elevator and walked off. Emma stayed in the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor.

When the elevator doors opened, she walked out and headed back to her desk. She put the car key back in the velvet box and just looked at it. She didn’t know what to do. Kiro acted as though it was nothing, it was just a small gesture. To Emma, it was a big deal. A car was a big deal. She didn’t know whether to accept it or not.

At the end of her shift, she walked into the parking lot pressing the unlock button on the key to see which car it was. A white Benz made a sound as it unlocked. Emma gasped. She didn’t know much about cars but she could tell that the car was expensive. She walked over to the car and took a good look.

Emma locked the car. She wasn’t going to accept an expensive car from anyone. Just when she was about to walk off, Kiro approached her.

“Aren’t you going to get in?” he asked her.

“Um, Sheikh Besada, this car is just too much for me. I can’t accept it,” said Emma. Kiro sighed in frustration.

“What woman refuses a brand-new car?” He rubbed the temples of his head.

“This is just a little awkward. I’ve never accepted such an expensive item from anyone. It’s not easy for me to just take the car and go.”

Kiro stared at her with a dark facial expression. It made Emma nervous because she wasn’t sure what he was thinking about.

“If you don’t take the car, I will have your dented car towed,” he said. Emma dropped her jaw and stared at him in shock. Kiro turned on his heel and headed towards his car. Emma shook her head. It was an empty threat. She walked over to her dented car and drove off.

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