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Chapter 20

“What?” Olivia said. She stared at him with her hazel eyes widened. She was clearly shocked.

“My father wants to have lunch with you,” Joseph said. He knew that she was going to say no, however, he really needed her to agree. Joseph wanted Olivia to sit down with his father. If he liked her, then maybe he would try to convince his mother into agreeing with the marriage.

“Why?” Olivia raised an eyebrow. She looked as though she was suspicious about something.

“He wants to feel you out; see what kind of a person you are.” That was putting it lightly. His father was a very intimidating man.

“Why though?” Olivia stopped marinating the steak, suddenly realizing the answer to her own question. “He knows that you want to marry me.”

“Yes,” Joseph said simply.

“Oh my gosh!”

“Of course I told him. Everyone knows now.” Joseph smiled mischievously.

“How disappointed they will be to find out that I won’t marry you,” she said sarcastically. Joseph smiled. “When does he want to meet with me?” she asked.

“Tomorrow,” he said.

“So soon?”


Olivia sighed very loudly. “Where?” she asked.

“At restaurant,” he said. Olivia nodded.

“It’s better that way. If we met at his home, that would be bad because I would run into your mother,” she said. Joseph slightly crossed his eyebrows. He thought that she would refuse and get angry about it. Strangely she had agreed so easily.

“Okay then,” he said.

Joseph sat on his stool and watched Olivia cooking. He was so fascinated by her. She was walking around his kitchen and cooking so comfortably. It was as if it was her kitchen. Joseph had never had a woman cook for him. In fact, all of the women he had been in relationships with did not like cooking. They loved the fact that he had a chef and maids. They liked being pampered.

“You’re making rice?” Joseph asked as Olivia poured rice into the rice cooker.

“Of course I am,” she replied. “Carbs!” She grinned at him. She washed the rice before she cooked it. Then she prepared a salad.

“So the cheese is for the salad,” said Joseph.

“Yes.” Olivia put in a teaspoon of sugar. Joseph’s eyes flew open.

“Sugar?” he questioned. Olivia started laughing.

“Relax. It tastes good,” she said.

“Wow.” He was in shock.

“You have never even seen your food getting prepared.”

“That is true.”

Olivia finished cooking a while later. She served Joseph with the well-grilled steak, rice and salad. Joseph had to admit, the food looked quite appetizing. They sat on the stools at the island counter of the kitchen.

“Thank you,” Joseph said to Olivia when she handed him his plate and a knife and fork.

“You’re welcome.” Olivia sat down with her plate. “I’m so hungry.” She dove into her food.

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