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“This is an unhealthy meal,” Joseph pointed out. There was mayonnaise and cheese and white rice. He liked his meals strictly healthy.

“Well.” Olivia was looking at Joseph waiting to hear what he thought of the food. Her big hazel eyes filled with so much expectation stared at him. She was so adorable.

“It surprisingly tastes good,” he said honestly. The food did taste good. She could give his chef a run for his money.

“Of course it does. I told you that I can cook,” Olivia gloated.

“Where did you learn how to cook?”

“My mother. She was a great cook.”

“What was she like?”

“Very feisty but soft-hearted.”

“So that’s where you got it from.” Joseph smiled. Olivia smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Joseph, I am not really that feisty,” she said to him. He raised an eyebrow as he chewed. Olivia burst into laughter. “Whatever,” she said.

After they were finished eating, Olivia cleared the dishes and started washing them. He tried to stop her from washing up but she refused. She said that she could not leave the dirty dishes for someone else.

“I should go,” she said when she was finished cleaning.

“So soon,” said Joseph. He did not want her to go just yet.

“I have been here for hours.” Olivia walked towards him. He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him. “Joseph!” she cried out. He positioned her between his thighs and wrapped his arms around her. She fit perfectly in his arms. His head was buried in her neck. He inhaled her sweet scent and held her so tightly.

“Joseph what are you doing?” Olivia screamed and laughed as she tried to push him off. Joseph laughed with her and held her tighter. “It’s pointless, I am not strong enough.” She stopped trying to fight him off.

“It’s going to be the same thing with our marriage,” Joseph said.

“What do you mean?”

“Eventually, you are going to stop fighting me on the matter and you will agree to marry me.”

Olivia laughed. “Your mother wouldn’t attend the wedding. My sisters would probably assassinate me during the wedding,” she said. Joseph laughed gently.

“Is this you agreeing to marry me?”

“This is me reminding you that it is a bad idea.”

“It’s not.” Joseph caressed her lower back. He wanted to touch her and kiss her. Olivia flinched and let out a squeak.

“Don’t do that!” she cried out.

“Are you ticklish?”

“I am.” Olivia managed to wiggle out of his embrace and jumped a few steps back. She fanned herself with her hand. “I need to sort things out back in Atlanta,” she said.

“Like what?” he asked.

“I need to go back. I took my annual leave to come here and I’ve called them twice to extend it, which they were not happy about.”

“You can just send them your resignation. You don’t need to worry about work when you are with me.”

Olivia raised her eyebrows and shoved her hands in her pockets. “And be a housewife? No way,” she said.

“What is wrong with that?” he asked. He agreed with the idea of a man providing anything and everything for his woman. Even though he had never wanted to get married, he always provided for the woman that he was in a relationship with.

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