Page 44 of For Keeps

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They nodded, happiness covering their faces.

Rhys and I kept glancing at each other on our way to his truck parked in the driveway but didn’t say anything. Words weren’t necessary because our smiles said it all. What we were doing felt good, and what we were about to do was exciting as all get-out.

When we reached Black Betty, Rhys opened the passenger-side door for me and I hopped in. Then, just like old times, he put my seatbelt on me. When he was done, he stood up straight and stared at me.

“What is it?” I asked.

“All of this is a déjà vu for me.”

“It is for me, too. Are you okay with it?”

“Yes. What about you?”

“I’m more than okay.”

“Then let’s go have some fun!”

Rhys and I were standing on the shore of the lake by his house. He was completely confident about getting into his kayak, while I wasn’t confident about getting into mine at all. The little watercraft seemed so unstable, and I could already picture myself taking a plunge into the water. If I did, then I did. I was wearing a life vest, and I was also a good swimmer.

“Riley, you can do this,” Rhys assured me.

“I’m going to give it my best shot, but you better not laugh at me if I tip over and go headfirst into the lake.”

“You’re not going do that. You’ve got this.”

“Now you’re being my cheerleader instead of me being yours.”

“That’s right.”

I searched his eyes, so easily getting lost in them. Depending on the light and Rhys’s emotions, they were a palette of shades of blue. Countless times, I’d seen them like they were now, matching the summer sky above us. I’d also seen them turn royal blue. On one occasion, they were indigo and red-rimmed. That happened on the day I ended my relationship with Rhys. I never wanted to see his eyes that dark again or him that hurt.

“We’re wasting daylight, mia bella,” he said, bringing me back to my senses.

“Then let’s go!”

He held my kayak steady, making it a breeze for me to get into. After he jumped into his, we began paddling our way through the water.

“You still haven’t told me where you’re taking me. Don’t you think it’s about time?” I asked.

“It’s to a special place I often go to alone.”

“So you’ve never taken anyone out there with you before?”



“Because no one’s ever been special enough to me for me to do that. No one except for you.”

I looked over at Rhys, and he gave me his dimpled smile. Then he turned his attention back to the water. About twenty minutes later, I was staring at what looked like an aquatic labyrinth of cypress trees. This was a cove that I’d never seen on the lake until now. This was Rhys’s special place, and I was in awe.

“Unbelievable,” I whispered.

“I thought you’d like it.”

“Like it? I love it.”

Side by side, Rhys and I quietly moved through the water while taking in the scenery surrounding us. The giant trees appeared ancient and otherworldly—each with a spirit of its own. The Spanish moss hanging from their branches only added to their mystique, as did the low hum within this place. I could hear it, and I could feel it, and it had me covered in goosebumps.

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