Page 45 of For Keeps

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“I’ve got to take a picture of this, Rhys,” I said.

“Here, I’ll keep you steady.”

With his hand securely on my kayak, I pulled my cellphone out of my shorts pocket, snapped several pictures, and took a video. I would never forget coming to this incredible place, but I wanted to be able to see it again whenever I missed it. I already knew I would miss it a lot and hoped to return here with Rhys one day.

He and I continued exploring the lily pad-topped water for a good half-hour. During that time, Rhys pointed out different species of birds as we encountered them. The most notable to me were the dove and crow.

I saw numerous doves and heard some crows cawing back and forth, making me grin at their intense conversation. I also grinned when a hummingbird flew up in front of me, hovered inches from my face, and then zipped away. After it had, Rhys said we needed to head back to his house before it got dark.

We were a few yards away from the shore when he hopped out of his kayak with the same ease he’d hopped into it earlier.

“Give me just a sec, Riley, and I’ll help you,” he said, unbuckling his life vest.

“No, I can do it.”

I was starting to get out of my kayak when it began tipping. Then, I plunged sideways into the lake. Within seconds, Rhys grabbed me underneath my arms and helped me stand up as I spit, sputtered, and wiped the water out of my eyes.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I’m fine! Just pissed!”

“You should’ve waited for me.”

“I wanted to do it by myself.”

“And look at where it got you.”

I pointed at Rhys. “I see that grin that you’re trying to hide. You better not laugh at me.”

He covered his mouth, but it didn’t stop him from busting out laughing.

“I’ll show you what’s funny,” I said.

I stepped back several yards and swatted the water as hard as possible. It hit Rhys directly in the face, and the battle was on. He and I went back and forth, splashing each other while howling out our combined laughter. By the time we called a truce, Rhys was soaked from head to toe, just like I was.

Then he started running toward me.

I squealed and headed for deeper water as quickly as I could. When I reached it, I dove in and began swimming away from Rhys. I knew it was only a matter of seconds before he caught me, and then I felt him grab my right ankle.

After stopping me, he pulled me back to him, and we laughed again. Like I figured was coming next, Rhys pushed me underwater. I popped right back up and got him. When he resurfaced, we stopped the horseplay and stared at each other while catching our breaths.

“I’ve missed doing stuff like this with you,” he said.

“I’ve missed it, too. We always knew how to have fun.”

He nodded, and I swam over to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held my body against his as we kept treading water.

“Thank you for everything today,” I whispered in his ear.

“Same to you.”

We embraced each other a little tighter and kept resting our heads together. The setting sun, the sensuality of the water, and feeling Rhys so close to me made me have flashbacks of when he and I were still a couple.

The number of occasions when we did exactly what we were doing now was too many to count. So were the occasions when we had sex in the lake. There was something freeing about it that Rhys and I had always gravitated toward. Or maybe it was the freedom that we found in each other. Either way, it was paradise.

“Are you ready to swim back to the shore?” Rhys asked.

“If you are.”

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