Page 92 of Penalty of Love

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But now ... now that I’ve reconnected with Brittany, I’ve really grown to like having someone who knows me and can offer more perspective about my life.

It’s nice.

“And did you enjoy it?” Garrett snaps me out of my thoughts. His tone is friendly as he picks up his water to take a sip. “I hope you did.”

“I ... I kind of did. Actually, I really did,” I confess. “But there was no way it would have lasted outside of Colorado. I’m not looking to get into a relationship right now, nor am I a fan of long-distance. My career has been my sole focus, and getting involved with someone would be a distraction.” As the words come out, I’m not so sure I believe them anymore.

“I get that.” Garrett nods. “It’s important to prioritize what matters most to you.”


His words hit me like a ton of bricks.

I’m not even sure what matters most to me anymore.

For the past several years, I’ve always said it was my career, but … lately, my career hasn’t been bringing me the sense of purpose and satisfaction it once did. If I’m being honest with myself, it kind of feels empty…

I’ve been married to my career for so long now that I almost forgot how much my heart wants to be loved in return.

Spending all that time with Cameron—witnessing how he fiercely loves, protects, and cares for his family and friends—reminded me that there’s so much more to life than just work. Not only that, but he helped me realize it’s okay to open up to people. It’s okay to be vulnerable. It’s okay to let people in. And honestly, I’m tired of pushing everyone away.

I want true friends.

I want true love.

I want a family of my own.

I know Gran wants that for me, too.

I take a moment to gather my thoughts, the weight of my realizations settling in. It feels strange discussing everything this openly, but I’m really trying to be more willing to share—more willing to let my guard down for people.

Garrett’s gaze is gentle, understanding, and I find comfort in that. It’s strange how a lunch meeting turned into a soul-searching session, but maybe it’s exactly what I needed.

“And no judgment at all,” he continues. “I’ve had to make similar decisions myself over the years. Some worked out and some didn’t. But we learn from them.”

“Well, considering you have a billion-dollar company, you’re clearly doing something right.” I laugh.

“Maybe. But my business decisions have also led to so many rumors that have impacted my personal life. The biggest one being that, because I work with a lot of women in the industry, I must be a huge player. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. I just find women are easier to work with because men have such a pride problem. Unfortunately, because of this reputation, I have a hard time meeting women who are serious about settling down and starting a family ... like I want to be.” He eyes Brittany as he says the words, and I can’t help but steal a glance at her.

Her eyes are wide, but so is the smile on her face. “My ex broke up with me because I wanted to settle down and have kids, but he didn’t.”

Match made in heaven.

I nearly giggle at the two of them, and then flip my phone over. I keep hoping there’ll be a text or a call—something more from Cameron—but there’s nothing.

“Stop checking that thing,” Brittany says gently, her hand squeezing my arm. “It’s not going to change anything. You broke up with him. If you want things to change, you have to do it.”

“I didn’t break up with him,” I say flatly. “We weren’t even together.”

“You get what I’m saying.”

“She has a point,” Garrett agrees, shrugging his shoulders. “If you’re the heartbreaker, you typically have to be the one who makes the grand gesture.”

I tilt my head in confusion. “The ... what?”

“You know, the grand gesture.” Garrett laughs. “C’mon, you must’ve watched some chick flicks in your life. It’s the moment where the one who broke the other’s heart—or whatever—shows back up in a big way to make it up to them. It’s usually something crazy and outlandish.”

“Oh! Oh! You could do an ice-skating routine for him!” Brittany offers up. “To a love song.”

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