Page 71 of Penalty of Love

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“Maybe,” I grunt, rubbing my forehead. “I just needed to talk to someone on the outside. My relationship is so freaking complicated with Nila—I’m falling for her, but there’s so much hesitance on her end. I think she’s worried about the fact we work together—but her contract won’t last forever. And I really care about her...”

“Falling in love, huh?” Dad’s words nearly knock the breath out of me.

“I—I think so, yeah.”

“Why the hesitation, son?”

“I’ve just never told anyone I love them before…”

“Maybe that’s the reason why your previous relationships never worked out—you didn’t love them.”

My eyes shift to the window, peering through the open blinds. “I guess, but I don’t know if it’s possible for someone to fall in love this fast...” The sun casts a sparkle across the windowpane, and I wish more than anything that I could be out there instead of in here.

“There’s no time frame on love, Cam. But also, you’ve known her for a little while. I don’t think it’s crazy to think that the two of you have a new love blossoming.”

I frown. “That sounds weird.”

“Yeah, well, I guess I might be falling on the love train, too...” His voice trails off in a way that makes me stop my own chaotic thoughts.

“Wait, are you talking about that woman you started seeing?”

He hesitates. “Yeah. I think it’s actually going somewhere.”

“Well, at least one of us has it figured out,” I mutter, letting out a frustrated breath. “I’m happy for you though, I really am.”

“Thanks, son,” he says. “But for the record, I understand what you did on the field today. When you care about someone, you stand up for them. I don’t think you did anything wrong, but I don’t know that I’m the best guy to talk to about that. You got your hothead streak from me. Your mother could’ve told you plenty of stories.”

“I’m pretty sure she did tell me a few.” I laugh, my heart panging with grief. “You’ve calmed down.”

“Old age will do that to ya,” he jokes. “But just see what you can do to settle it there and prevent the guy from pressing charges. Hopefully, it’s the kind of place where what happens there stays there—like Las Vegas.”

“Oh boy, okay.” I laugh. “Thanks for the pep talk.”

We hang up, and I sit for a few moments longer. I don’t want to get up and go get Dr. Shadid. I don’t want to listen to his spiels that feel more like riddles than actual help to process anything.

I know why I got mad. I know why I reacted, and if I could go back...

I still would’ve stood up for Nila, but … maybe I could’ve kept my distance from Samuel. It would’ve prevented him from being able to swing at me. Considering the alternate scenario, I stand to my feet and walk to the door. As soon as I open it, I catch sight of Dr. Shadid leaning against the wall outside.

He looks up from his phone and gives me a smile. “You feel better?”

“I guess.” I shrug, stepping back as Dr. Shadid enters the office. “I guess I could’ve handled the situation differently.”

“How so?”

I explain what I just thought of as I sit back down in the chair. “I think that keeping some space would’ve been the better solution, and maybe it would’ve avoided Samuel lashing out.”

Dr. Shadid nods. “Maybe. Maybe not. That’s the thing, there’s no way to really know how he would’ve reacted. He still might’ve gotten angry enough to swing at you, anyway. Then you would’ve still defended yourself. And we’d still be sitting here right now.”

I snort, shaking my head. “Well, okay then.”

“In a few minutes, Samuel and Jefferson, our attorney here, will be joining us. Do you feel like you can handle the meeting?”


“Okay.” He smiles and then starts clicking on his computer. “I talked with Nila.”

“Oh?” That piques my curiosity. “Did she say anything about me?”

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