Page 72 of Penalty of Love

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“I can’t talk about specifics with you, Cameron.” His eyes dart over to me as his fingers continue to pound the keyboard. “But I think she’ll come around.”


“Just one more thing.” He stops typing and holds my gaze.


“If it were someone else that fell into Samuel, what would you have done?”

I purse my lips, trying to picture the scenario. “I don’t know. Probably nothing—unless it got physical. I’m never going to stand on the sidelines in the middle of something like that.”

He nods and, without a word, goes right back to typing.

I sit there in the chair, twiddling my thumbs and waiting. Part of me wants to get up and leave. I mean, can’t they just come find me when they’re ready? It won’t be long and I’ll be able to use my phone—and I fully intend to check up on the team. There’s only a couple more games left in the season...

And I’m still hoping to be home in time for them.

Of course, that would mean an early release—and I think the chances of that are slim to none now.

I distract myself by pouring over the bookshelf, trying to read the titles from where I’m sitting. I’m halfway in the middle of the third shelf when a knock sounds on the door.

“Come in,” Dr. Shadid says.

My gaze drifts over as the door swings open. In walks Samuel, his nose bandaged, and another man in a suit. I don’t recognize him, but he looks like he’s the kind of guy who’s never broken a rule in his entire life.

And that’s no fun.

Even my lawyer, Tucker, has a little life to him.

“Well, here they are.” Tina shuts all of us into the room, and for the first time since I got here, I start to feel like Dr. Shadid’s office is a little too cramped.

Samuel grunts as he plops down in the seat beside me and then eyes me, his expression difficult to read. “I just want to apologize.”

My brows shoot up in surprise. “What?”

“Yeah, I apologize. I shouldn’t have lost my cool like that—not over someone tripping. I get really competitive, and that was just ... yeah. It was bad,” he grumbles, his cheeks reddening. “I have a lot of work to do on bettering myself, and you did what anyone would’ve done in that situation.”

“Well, I probably could’ve backed off,” I admit, my eyes jumping between everyone. The attorney—Jefferson or whatever—looks completely unamused by the entire situation. In fact, he doesn’t even appear to be listening to anyone in the room as he zones out on his black binder in his lap.

“I think you did the honorable thing,” Samuel says with a shrug. “And honestly, I hope you’re alright with this being swept under the rug. I can’t have this get out—”

“What happens here stays here,” Jefferson’s sharp voice cuts in. “That’s part of the policy here. We handle incidents privately as much as we possibly can. If there’s no great bodily injury, we move on.”

“Okay then,” Samuel grunts, rolling his eyes.

I almost laugh at the expression but manage to stifle it. “So what? Do we just sign NDAs and move on?”

“Who have you told about the incident?” Jefferson looks at me. “We were told you made a phone call.”

“My dad. I was just talking to my dad, but he’s not going to say anything. It could mess up my reputation if it gets out. I’m already in a lot of hot water...”

“Yeah, we’re aware,” Jefferson scoffs.

“Just rumors,” I snap, my jaw growing taut. “My ex-girlfriend just wanted—”

“We don’t care,” Jefferson cuts me off. “We just want to settle this matter and move on. I’ll need your father’s contact information so I can send over the NDA. He’ll need to sign one just like Samuel’s wife did.”

“She was not happy with me.” Samuel’s eyes drop to his hands. “Not a good phone call to have to make.”

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