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And Spencer found herself squeezing her eyes shut as the kiss gradually gentled and faded.

It was a kiss that said...

Her lips started to tremble the moment Etienne lifted his head and gazed down at her.

"You still love me?" she whispered uncertainly.

"Always will." And he knew, even if it meant damning his soul to Hell, he had been right to lie, with the way her eyes started to shimmer and turn radiant with joyous tears.

Spencer pressed trembling fingers to her cheek. I'm crying, she realized dazedly. She had been crying a lot lately, but this was the first time that she felt like she was crying for the right reasons, and it scared her to think that none of it might be real. Gazing at Etienne imploringly, she asked, "Tell me I'm not dreaming of this?"

"Alright." Etienne's voice was solemn. "If that's your way of saying I'm your dream come true—-"

A choked laugh escaped her. "That would do." Etienne being his usual cocky self was definitely proof that she really was here next to the man she loved...and he actually happened to love her back.

She loved Etienne, and Etienne loved her back.

Etienne. Loved. Her!

Her heart ached so bad just thinking about this, and before she knew it, the rest of her was aching, too, and all of a sudden, she realized what she wanted - needed - to happen next.


He turned to her right away. "What is it?"

The shy smile that curved over Spencer's lips was a rare beauty, but even the sight of it was nothing compared to her next words, which he had never expected to hear.

"Would you take me to your bed tonight?"

One moment, there was just dead silence, and then the next thing she knew, Etienne's sportscar was flying down the road, and the speed in which he took off had Spencer falling back against her seat with a breathless laugh. "Slow down, will you?"

"And risk having you change your mind?"

"I won't," she promised. "But if you don't slow down and you're caught overspeeding..."

Realizing she was right, Etienne cursed under his breath even as he forced himself to play by human rules and shifted gears until the speedometer fell back within the appropriate range. But the moment they made into the basement parking of his building, he wasted no time in shedding all pretenses of suffering from any human frailties, and in mere seconds, he had scooped Spencer out of her seat and up in his arms as he walked swiftly to the lobby reserved for the building's tenants.

"I can walk—-"

"You're too slow."

"Am not—-" But Spencer stopped arguing when Etienne also chose to bypass the elevators and opt for the stairs instead through the fire exit. "So, stairs are faster? Seriously?"

Etienne didn't even bother to answer her, and moments later, she could only gasp and laugh as she threw her arms around his neck, clinging to him for dear life. "Oh my God." It was like riding a roller coaster as he raced up the stairs with his Caro speed unchecked, and they were in his penthouse apartment in seconds. Seconds!

Seeing the amazed look on Spencer's face, he bent his head and whispered, "I can fuck just as fast, too."

Spencer's reaction to his words was priceless: color instantly darkened her cheeks while her lips flapped open and close as if she was undecided whether to moan for him to say more or growl at him to shut up. Either way, it was cute as fuck, and he couldn't keep himself from throwing his head back with a laugh.

"I'm seriously worried here," Spencer grouched. "I don't think it's normal that you can turn me on so easily—-" She stopped speaking when the door in front of them suddenly opened, and she found herself face to face with an expressionless Anderson.

"Welcome back, Your Highness." The older gentleman bowed politely to both of them. "Good evening, Ms. de Vries."

She couldn't even speak. All she wanted to do was die. How could she have asked Etienne to take her to bed and not remember about Anderson—-

"I don't want us disturbed for the rest of the night," Etienne told his butler.

Gaaaah! She could only stare at the billionaire, aghast. Didn't he realize he might as well have told the other man they were planning to have sex for the rest of the night?

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