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"Understood, sir."

And because he could still feel Spencer's horrified gaze pinned to him—-

"One last thing before you go, Anderson," Etienne drawled.

Anderson turned back to face his employer. "Yes, Your Highness?"

"Please pretend you don't know who the woman is in my arms—-"

Spencer moaned.

"I think she's shy."

Even as Anderson permitted himself the briefest of smiles, his voice was perfectly polite as he asked, "What woman?"

Chapter Eleven

ETIENNE HAD A HARD time holding his smile back. Spencer was still glaring at him as he raced up the stairs leading to his bedroom, and he knew she was only waiting until they were safely out of Anderson's earshot before she started chewing him off for his lack of discretion.

But since he was more in the mood for fucking than nagging...

Spencer irritably expelled her breath the moment they entered his room. "You—-" It was, however, the only word she was able to get out, with the billionaire having once again used his extaordinarily inhuman speed to get them from Point A to Point ZZ. The next thing she knew, she was already flat on her back on his gigantic bed, and she was staring up at his darkly handsome face.

"Do you truly prefer we talk," Etienne asked, "Or can we have sex first?"

Aaaargh. The S-word was enough to have Spencer forget everything as her entire body clenched with need. She tried her hardest to resist the luring heat of his large, powerful body, but it was impossible, and even as frustration had her squirming under him, she still heard herself choke out, "S-s-sex."

She barely finished speaking when she heard him chuckle, and her face turned red. Jerk! She instinctively tried to push him off in a fit of pique, but just as her hands pressed against his chest, his beautiful, strong mouth had slammed down on her, and her fingers ended up helplessly clenching against his muscles.

Oh, sweet joy, he really was such an incredible kisser.

Her lips parted willingly under his the moment she felt the stroke of his tongue, and Spencer could only moan and move her hands up to clutch his shoulders as his tongue delved deeper inside her mouth.

His kiss was the most irresistible paradox, with the way it satisfied her need but at the same time made her crave for more. It drove her absolutely crazy, with the way the strokes of his tongue alternated between fast, hard thrusts and long, leisurely explorations of her mouth, and all she could do was dig her nails into the steely panes of his back and whimper his name out.

Etienne. Etienne. Etienne.

He had never cared about whether or not a woman called his name out while fucking. It had never been an ego thing for him the way it was with other men. But as it always seemed to turn out, it was different with the brat, and her every whimper of his name had his cock twitching until he was barely hanging on to his control.

Spencer gasped for breath when Etienne's mouth finally left hers, but she ended up gasping anew when she felt his lips trailing down until it was nuzzling the side of her neck. An idea made more tantalizing because it felt taboo and forbidden flirted with her mind, and before she knew it, the words were already spilling out. "Would you drink my blood?"

She felt him stiffen at her words, but the way his nostrils flared and lust blazed from his dark gaze emboldened her, and looking up at him, she whispered, "Please." And then she arched her neck in silent invitation—-


Even though it was no longer her first time to have Etienne drink her blood, it still didn't fail to make her pulse leap and her heart race the moment she felt his fangs prick her flesh. And just like before, it was inexplicably sweet agony, and this time it was as if he was deliberately making her hear him slurp on her blood, and oh God, was it weird and bad that she found the sound explicitly erotic?

The taste of her blood was richer and flavorful than anything he tasted, and his hunger for her only grew with the way Spencer was arching against his body as if begging him to drink his fill. She was so damn irresistible, her hold on him so fucking powerful that in the end he had to force himself to seal her wound before he ended up drinking more than she could handle.

"No." She couldn't help mewling with protest when she felt him stop drinking her blood. "Please."

"Ssssh. Patience, my little bauble." His fingers worked fast, and in a blink of an eye, both of them were naked, and Etienne could only suck his breath as he was once again gifted with the sight of her naked loveliness.

"Magnific." It was, as always, the only word he could think of as he stared at her ivory curves and pink-tipped breasts. She was too damn magnificent, with every inch of her designed to beckon a man into losing his mind, and so it was also for him, with Etienne struggling to rein his strength in as he slowly reached for one plump globe of flesh.

He heard her shaky intake of breath the moment his fingers squeezed her breast, and he saw her hazel eyes widen when he tightened his hold. With his gaze still on her, he squeezed even harder, and Etienne was immediately rewarded with the way her lips parted in a silent cry of pleasure.

"Tell me what you want, mi vavli."

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