Page 63 of Beast

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Charlie walks back in from the garden and he winces. “Ahh, so he’s dead then,” he states. I glare at him, not that he can really tell with the swelling around my eyes. “I thought the guy would have fought a bit harder, but oh well. It means we can move on, and move forward with our lives. Proper father and daughter taking on the criminal world.” He beams excitedly.

I lean forward, sliding the blade into my hand before I slowly stand on shaky legs. I step towards him. “You got my mom killed, and you killed my dad. Why would I ever want anything to do with you?” I hiss. Gripping the blade tightly in my hand, his eyes flicker down to the glistening claret covered blade in my hand.

“Firstly, I’m your dad. Not him. Secondly, what are you planning on doing with that?” he asks, pointing to the blade in my hand.

“I’m going to kill you,” I seethe. My heart is beating rapidly in my chest, not from fear, but with anger, hurt, and venomous rage.

Charlie laughs, clicking his fingers, and suddenly, I’m surrounded by men with their guns all aimed at me. He reaches forward and grabs the blade from my hand. “Do you really think I would be that stupid to leave a blade lying around if I thought you could kill me with it?” he scoffs. “As your father, I believe that kind of behaviour requires a time out,” he states.

2 of his men grab me from behind. I kick out, trying to fight them off. Charlie smiles and gives a little 4 finger wave as they drag me through the house and down into the basement. I’ve never been in the basement. I was never allowed, and it was always locked, as Dad said it was for his business stuff only. One of the men open the bolted door and switch on the light, and my stomach sinks at the sight before me; a concrete room, from floor to ceiling, no bed, nothing apart from a pair of chains hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. They grab my wrists and drag me, lifting each one up and cuffing them to the thick metal locks. I try to kick out as they walk away. One of them pauses, smiling.

“Night night, princess,” he says before switching the light off, plummeting the room in complete darkness.



We left our bikes down the block, so not to attract attention. Spider and I are crouched just across the street behind some bushes, watching the house. “There is activity,” Spider points out.

“Yeah, considering Bobby is supposed to be dead, it looks like a pretty busy fucking house,” I add. “Ghost given an ETA on when they will get here?” I ask.

Spider shakes his head no. “Nothing yet, brother. Just said Buzz isn’t good, and they had to sedate Scar as he tried to discharge himself.” He scoffs.

I shake my head. “Fuck, he was bleeding out, the fucking lunatic.”

“Yeah,” Spider agrees. “So, it looks like for now, it’s just you, me, and this bag of delights.” Spider smiles.

I look at him and down at the bag. Reaching in, I pull out a machine gun. “Ready to kill and not get killed?” I ask him.

Spider lights a cigarette. “I’m always ready to bring the reaper.” He smiles.

Moving quickly from behind the bush, we run across the road and climb over the gate. Charlie doesn’t have any men stood outside. I’m guessing not to make it obvious where he is. We crouch down in front of one of the windows and Spider moves slowly, peering into the window.

“Anything?” I ask.

He sits back down and the look on his face has me worried. “Body on the floor at the far side looks like Bobby,” he states.

“Fuck!” I hiss. “I’ve got to get in there, brother. I can’t wait any longer,” I state, desperate to find Belle.

Spider nods before pulling out a grenade. “Nothing like the element of surprise.” He winks as he pulls the pin out with his teeth before smashing the window and throwing it into the house. “Move,” he orders. We crawl quickly around the side of the house, and as the grenade goes off, glass from the window explodes everywhere, followed by the sound of shouting. “Wait for it,” Spider says, like an eager child beside me. Suddenly, the sound of men coughing and spluttering pile out of the house, looking around, aiming their weapons. “Now!” Spider roars. We both jump to our feet and run out, firing off our machine guns.

The other guys don’t have a chance as a cascade of bullets rain down on them. We move quickly, shooting anyone that moves. My eyes dart everywhere, searching every corner for Belle. We move through the house, finding Bobby dead on the floor.

“Shit,” I sigh. I search the room and notice the patio door is open. “I will search out the back,” I tell Spider. He nods and moves further into the house. Keeping my gun aimed and ready to shoot, I walk through the patio door and into the huge, landscaped garden, noticing the perfectly sculpted bushes line the patio area. I hear scuff of a shoe. “I can hear you, Charlie!” I yell. “There is no point in running now,” I warn.

Charlie steps out from behind one of the bushes, his hands held up in surrender. “I will come quietly. No need to shoot,” he says, smiling like it’s one big game.

“Where is she?” I ask, my finger hovering over the trigger, itching to end his life.

Charlie laughs and shrugs. “I don’t know who you mean.” He pauses. “Oh, you mean my daughter,” he states. I frown, wondering what the fuck he is talking about. “Oh, Bobby didn’t tell you that, did he? Well, Belle is actually my daughter. I am her father. So, if you truly love her, you won’t kill me, because every father and daughter deserve a chance at a relationship, right?”

“What the fuck are you on about?!” I growl. “Just tell me where I can find her!” I demand.

Charlie opens his mouth to answer, but is cut off when Ghost, Rage, and Hawk come running out. “About fucking time,” I sigh.

“Sorry brother, you got Belle?” Ghost asks.

“Does it fucking look like it?” I answer sarcastically.

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