Page 64 of Beast

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“Go. Go find her and we will see to him,” Ghost states.

“Don’t kill him. He said some weird shit about being Belle’s father,” I state.

“We’ll take him to the barn. Go. We don’t have long until daylight,” Ghost adds.

I turn and run back in the house, watching Spider come from upstairs with Cash. “You find her?” I ask.

“No, nothing. Just an empty room. It’s fucking weird, brother. Not even any other men,” Spider states.

I walk along the hall and check the kitchen, even the giant fucking pantry. Spider checks the office and other rooms, but still nothing. I return to the hallway and see Cash standing there, staring at a picture on the wall.

“That look right to you?” he asks.

I look at the painting and notice it’s hanging crooked. I lift it away from the wall and see a handle behind it. I pull it off and chuck it across the floor before I turn the handle and the door opens like it’s one of those secret in the wall doors. Inside are some stairs leading down.

“Basement,” I mutter to Cash before taking the steps 2 at a time. I spot the large door that is slightly ajar. I hold my hand up, telling Cash to freeze. I peer slowly around the door and see Belle chained in the middle of the room, hanging like a piece of meat at an abattoir. Her head is hanging down, blood is on her clothes and in her hair, but she isn’t alone. One of Charlie’s men is in there with his back to me. His hand grabs her face, forcing her to look at him, and that’s when I see her face; swollen eyes and blood is pouring form her mouth and nose. I move quickly and aim my gun. At the same time, the guy’s head spins around, his eyes going wide at the sight of me and Cash. He moves quickly, using Belle as a human shield.

“Don’t shoot. You shoot me, you kill her,” he threatens us.

“Anders,” Belle whimpers, her voice slicing through my heart.

I clench my jaw, my finger hovering over the trigger. Cash steps to my right, both of us taking aim at either side of Belle, trapping the guy. He moves slightly, he’s fucking dead.

“It wasn’t me!” the guy yells. “Charlie did it. Just ask her,” he yells from behind Belle.

“Stop being a fucking coward and face the fucking reaper,” I growl.

“Ask her!” he cries from behind her.

“It was Charlie,” Belle agrees.

I sigh. “Fine, now get out,” I yell.

The guy sighs with relief. “Thank you, I was just following orders chaining her up,” he says as he steps out from behind Belle.

I open fire, and I watch as his body takes hit after hit of bullets. Belle screams, turning her body away. I stop and the guy’s lifeless body falls to the floor. I walk over and slam my booted foot down on his skull, cracking the cranial beneath each stomp.

“Fucking chain my woman up! Fucking use her as a fucking shield! You fucking cunt!” I roar, furious rage exploding from within me.

“Anders, please,” Belle sobs. I stop immediately, unable to resist her. His pained, busted up face is looking back at me. I drop my gun and lift her in my arms, and she instantly wraps her legs around my waist.

“Keys,” I state.

“Already on it,” Cash says, searching the dead guy’s pockets. Coming up with a set of keys, he reaches up and unlocks the cuffs, releasing her wrists. Belle sobs as she wraps her arms around my neck. With one hand under her behind and the other holding her close, she rests her head on my shoulder, sobbing. I rub my hand up and down her back, trying to sooth her. I look at Cash, and his eyes mirror mine with pure internal rage.

Walking out of the basement, Ghost and Rage are stood there, waiting for us. They see Belle clinging to me, her body shaking as she sobs. “Where is he?” I growl.

“Back of the van with Hawk and Spider,” Ghost answers.

I nod. “Call ahead. She needs to be seen to,” I state.

Ghost nods and Rage pulls out his phone. No more words are spoken. All of us are holding back the murderous fury that is coursing through our veins.

Dixie had to give Belle a sedative; she was in shock and her body wouldn’t stop trembling, even after her tears had stopped. She was still clinging to me, refusing to let go. It tore me apart seeing her like that. I didn’t want to leave her, but I had to take care of Charlie. He has to pay for what he has done.

I walk into the barn and there is Charlie tied to a chair in the middle, my brothers all stood around him waiting. I don’t acknowledge them. I grab the metal mallet hammer off the bench and storm towards him. I swing my arm back and slam it down on his left kneecap.

He lets out a ear piercing scream, the crack of his shattering kneecaps echoing around the empty barn. I don’t hold up on doing the same to his right knee. “FUCK!” he cries out in a guttural scream.

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