Page 60 of Beast

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We arrive back at the house, and immediately the hairs on the back of my neck are on end. The truck lights highlight all of the women stood out the front, their hands crimson in colour.

I jump out, and the bikes of the rest of the brothers come to a stop behind me. “What the fuck happened?” I yell, running over. Queenie is on the floor, her hand pressed against Scar’s chest.

“Charlie,” Maggie says, her voice barely a whisper.

Dixie is working on Buzz. “I can’t, I can’t stop the bleeding. There is too much,” she says, panicked.

“Star?!” Ghost yells, running over to her. He wraps his arms around her and Enzo, kissing her and then Enzo.

Hawk does the same to Josie and Maisy, Cash with Maggie, and Rage with Dixie. My eyes dart around, my heart pounding in my chest. “Where is she?” I ask. No one answers. “I said, WHERE IS SHE?!” I roar.

“Sweetheart,” Queenie says softly.

I shake my head as I run inside, jumping over them to enter the house. “Belle! Belle!” I call out, walking into each room. I run up the stairs, checking there too. I know deep inside that he has her. I run back down the stairs and go down into the basement, switching on the light. I unlock the safe, and the inside is full with weapons, machine guns, handguns, rifles, knifes, grenades, and a shit load of ammo. I grab whatever I can carry and load up. I don’t bother shutting it. I run up the steps, taking them 2 at a time, and as I’m about to storm through the front door, Ghost, Hawk, Cash, and Rage block me. “Move,” I growl.

“You ain’t going after her without a fucking plan. It’s suicide,” Ghost seethes.

I shake my head, gritting my jaw tight. “I am going after her, and if you don’t fucking move, I will shoot you. I don’t want to, because you are my brothers, but I will not sit back while she is in danger.”

“We aren’t asking you to. I want revenge, too. He hurt my fucking kid, threatened him, and held my woman at gunpoint. We are not letting this fucking slide. I promise you, but right now, we need to make sure Scar and Buzz make it. We need to make sure they survive,” Ghost states.

“Of course I don’t want them fucking dead, but I can’t wait, and you can’t expect me to. You wouldn’t if it was Star, Maggie, Dixie, or Josie,” I point out. They all exchange a look, knowing I’m right. “Look, I get it, you don’t want to leave them right now after what happened, but I’m not asking you to come. Stay and be with your women and kids, but I need to be with mine,” I state. Pushing past them, I jog down the steps and jump over Scar and Buzz.

Scar opens his eyes. “Slit their fucking throats,” he wheezes.

I nod and jump on my bike, surprised when Spider jumps on his next to me. “What are you doing?” I ask.

“I’m not letting you go on your own,” he states.

“I don’t think the odds are going to be in our favour, brother,” I state as I start up my bike.

“Call me crazy, but I like the sound of those odds.” He smirks as he starts up his bike. “Where are we headed?” he asks.

“There’s a bar the other side of town that Charlie is known to go to. So, let’s start there and see what we get,” I state.

Just as I’m about to ride off, Ghost yells, running over with a bag and hands it to Spider. “There’s enough ammo in there to kill a small fucking village. Once we’ve got them to hospital, we will come and back you up. Text me your location, and for fuck sake, don’t get fucking killed,” he warns.

“There will be death, but it ain’t going to be mine,” I threaten.

Walking into the bar, all eyes turn to us. We ignore them and walk straight to the bar. “What can I get you?” the barman asks.

“2 beers,” I order.

He nods, placing the bottles of beer down on the bar. “That will be 20,” the barman says, holding out his hand.

I raise my brow. “20 for 2 fucking beers?” I question.

He shrugs. “That’s the price.”

I sigh and hand him the cash, shaking my head. “You spot anyone you recognise yet?” Spider asks as he takes a sip of his beer next to me.

My eyes scan the bar until they land on one guy I recognise. “12 o’clock in the booth with blonde hair,” I state before walking over in that direction. Spider follows close behind, and as we approach the table, the guy’s eyes begin to widen. I shake my head from side to side, placing my index finger on my lips, warning him to keep quiet.

“Excuse me, darlin’. I need a word with your man here. Can you give us a minute?” I ask the woman sat next to him. She doesn’t even answer before scurrying off. I slide onto the seat next to him and Spider takes the seat opposite.

“I don’t know what you want, but I’m saying nothing. I, I don’t want no trouble,” he stutters.

I smile. “Ain’t no trouble here. Just joining you for a nice cold beer.” I shrug. Spider doesn’t say a word. He just stares at the guy coldly. “Now, I just have a couple of questions I want to ask you,” I state. I pull out my switch blade from under the table and press it against his side, causing the guy to whimper.

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