Page 58 of Beast

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While the guys have gone, I decide to take a nice long shower. Just enjoying standing beneath the spray, the hot water hitting my skin, I sigh as I feel my body begin to relax. I grab the shampoo and I begin to wash my hair. My heart feels heavy after saying goodbye to my dad, to know that the chances are low of ever seeing him again. Hell, if we were to ever get married, he wouldn’t be able to walk me down the aisle. Not that I can imagine Beast and I getting married, because the thought of him in a suit makes me laugh. That man isn’t built to be contained in a suit.

Finishing in the shower, I step out and wrap a towel around my hair and body. As I walk into the bedroom, I chuck on one of Beast’s T-shirts, matching it with a pair of cut off jean shorts. As I’m brushing my hair, I hear what sounds like something smashing.

I frown and walk out of the room. “Star?” I call out. “Maggie? Everything okay?” I ask as I walk down the hall. I walk into the lounge and see them all huddled together, staring at something behind the door. Star’s eyes are full of tears, and every muscle in her body is strung tight. “What are you all—” The words die in my throat as I see Charlie stood there, holding Enzo. I feel like my heart has stopped beating. Fear like I’ve never felt courses through me. Not fear for me, but for Enzo.

“Nice of you to join us.” Charlie smiles, not once taking his eyes off Enzo who is cradled in his arms.

“Charlie, please give me Enzo,” I plead.

“Why? This little guy here holds all the power. You see, he is the mighty Ghost’s son, right? I could threaten to do anything with him, and Ghost would do whatever I wanted to keep his son safe,” he says, still looking down at Enzo, holding his little chubby hand in his. “I could snap his fingers like little matchsticks,” he sneers, pinching Enzo’s finger between his. Enzo lets out a cry of pain.

“Get your fucking hands off my son!” Star screams, jumping to her feet. Queenie grabs hold of her, and Charlie’s men cock their guns, aiming them at her. “Get off me!” she hisses at Queenie. Her eyes are wide with fear, and I’ve never seen Star look so terrified. “Shoot me, kill me, do whatever you want to me, but you leave my son alone!” she begs.

Maisy starts crying, and Josie desperately rocks her in her arms to keep her quiet, not wanting to draw his attention to her. I step closer to Charlie. “Charlie. It’s me you want, right?” I say softly. He lifts his gaze from Enzo to me, he dark brown eyes almost black. “You hurt Enzo, you know Ghost will stop at nothing to find you. You will forever be looking over your shoulder. But if you take me, no one will come for me. Dad is dead,” I state.

He laughs and shake his head. “Your father isn’t dead, and if I take you, won’t your big new boyfriend come for me?” he asks, raising his eyebrow. “We’ve been watching you for a while. I must say, you gave my men quite a show when you fucked him on the porch.”

I open my mouth, wanting to say something, but I’m not sure what to say. “I will tell him not to. For Enzo’s safety, they won’t come after me,” I state.

Charlie sighs. “You know that I wouldn’t actually hurt a baby. I’m no monster,” he says as he hands me Enzo. My heart is beating a million beats a second as I take Enzo in my arms. My hands shake as adrenaline and nerves courses through my veins. I turn and Star practically snatches Enzo from me, cradling him in her arms, kissing him. She looks at me and mouths thank you. I nod, but soon freeze when I feel the cold steel blade against my neck. “Now say goodbye to your friends,” Charlie sneers in my ear.

I swallow. “I will be okay,” I say softly, trying to keep the fear out of my voice.

“I mean, I can’t promise that, but it’s a nice sentiment all the same.” Charlie sighs. “Come on, princess,” Charlie says, guiding me out the door, through the house, and out the front door.

The dead bodies of the prospects lay on the floor. I try not to look at them as we pass, but two of the bodies catch my attention. They aren’t prospects; Scar and Buzz. My feet falter at seeing them, causing me to stumble. “Steady there, princess,” Charlie says, grabbing my arm tightly. His men open a truck door, and he shoves me inside, slamming the door closed. Charlie climbs in on the opposite side, and as his men climb in the front, he slips the blade into the inside of his jacket.

“So, how have you been?” he asks casually.

I frown and look at him like he’s lost his mind. “Fine,” I snap.

“Good, good. So, you’re a teacher now, that’s good. Educating young minds, you should be proud, because that is not an easy job to do. Especially these days. It’s a confusing time for kids. I mean, all that pressure. Times where simpler back in my day,” he states.

I look out the window at the passing scenery, ignoring this conversation. “Where are we going?” I ask.

“Home,” he states.

I turn back around and look at him confused. “Home?” I press.

He nods, smiling. I frown, still confused by his demeanour. It wasn’t 5 minutes ago he had his knife pressed against my neck. I return to looking out of the window, deciding to ignore him for however long I have to sit next to him. I’m not scared of Charlie. I grew up with him for a large part of my life, but more than that, my dad always taught me to never fear death. Which to most must seem morbid, to teach a kid that, but it was more than that. I wanted to know if Mom would have been alone and scared as she died that day. He assured me that death isn’t scary; it’s peaceful and the angels are with you the whole time comforting you. I know now, of course, that he just said those things to comfort me as a kid, but part of me likes to think it’s true.

Unable to stay quiet, one question I’ve wanted to know the answer to ever since Dad told me the truth is on my mind. “Why did you kill Mom?” I ask, looking at him.

His jaw tenses and he shakes his head. “Not talking about that now,” he states firmly.

But I want answers, so I continue to press. “Why did you kill my mother? If you wanted the business, you could have just taken it. Dad would have let you have it. Especially if it meant Mom would still be alive.”

He shakes his head. “I said, we are not talking about it now!” he snaps. I jump, closing my mouth and returning to stare out of the window.

I’m not sure how much further we drive. I just absentmindedly stare out the window, not wanting to talk, not wanting to face the situation I am currently in. The truck comes to a stop, and I blink, snapping myself out of the daze I was in. When I take in where we are, my mouth drops open.

“See? Home,” Charlie says as he gets out of the car. One of his men open the door and reaches in, dragging me out.

“Hey! Stop!” I protest.

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