Page 57 of Beast

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“Brother, you better calm this situation with your in-laws before it turns fucking ugly,” I hiss at Cash.

“Like fuck will either of them listen to me,” he argues. He has a point. Rip is stubborn, just like Ghost, and he will not show weakness or back down in any situation.

“For fuck sake.” I sigh and step forward, and all eyes land on me. “Look Pres, while I would like the amount of money all of Bobby’s trade would bring us, let’s be realistic. We can’t cover that kind of ground ourselves, and if anyone was going to have some of Bobby’s trade, at least it would be our now allies,” I state.

Ghost crosses his arms over his chest, glaring at me. I know me intervening is a major disrespect, but I’m right and he fucking knows it.

“You’re right.” Ghost nods. My eyes widen and I look around to make sure I’m not in some parallel universe. “Besides, if you hadn’t turned down Bobby’s offer to take over, we wouldn’t have any of the trade,” Ghost points out.

I nod. “One thing though. Did you tell Star all this?” Spider asks Ghost.

Ghost shakes his head. “No,” he answers.

“Then it was Belle,” I state. They all look at me, and I hold my hands up and shrug. “She knew the full plan. I mean, it is her old man, after all.”

“Well then, thank fucking Hades that the women gossip,” Khan from the Satan’s comments, a laugh escaping him.

“So, how long are you keeping lockdown for?” Rip asks Ghost.

“Just long enough to see how this news fairs out in the world that he’s gone. I don’t think they will be too happy that the trade isn’t theirs to take, but I don’t expect much push back.” Ghost shrugs.

“Well, you know our offer is always there. Maggie is family, which means we are tied together, whether we want to be or not,” Rip states.

Ghost nods. “It’s appreciated.”

“I will never let anyone hurt Maggie,” Cash growls. “And to assume it is a fucking insult.”

I grip his shoulder. “Calm the fuck down,” I warn.

Rip gives Cash a glacial stare before he takes a step towards Cash. We all do the same, taking that one step closer, each of us with one hand on our weapons. We out number them, they know this, but they know how to fight, and they know how to kill. Cash holds up his hand and takes a step toward Rip, standing toe to toe with him. My eyes flicker to the other Satan’s, trying to figure out which one will strike first. Suddenly, Cash starts laughing, as does Rip. I frown and look around. Everyone else is frowning, confused by the situation too.

Rip slaps his hand down on Cash’s shoulder. “We are fucking with you. Jesus.” He laughs.

Ghost doesn’t laugh. He still looks pissed. “Pres, come on. Like I would start anything with them. Maggie would have my fucking balls.” He laughs.

Ghost sighs and Hawk laughs, shaking his head. “Man, thank fuck, because I was not ready to start a war.”

“Sorry, no disrespect. We had joked about it the last time Cash and Maggie came over for dinner,” Rip apologises. I scrunch my face up, looking around to see if I’m being punked. Since when did Rip joke or do practical jokes?

Ghost smiles, holding out his hand. “For that, you owe me a fucking smoke,” he demands.

Rip pulls out his packet and hands it to him. Ghost takes one and lights it, sighing as he inhales. “If any one of you fuckers mention me quitting or this to Star, I will shoot you,” Ghost threatens.

Rip smirks. “I hear ya. Rose would cause me hell if she found out I was smoking.”

“So, we don’t get to kill anyone?” Rage asks, still standing poised with an axe in his hand.

“Where the fuck did you get that?” Hawk asks him.

“I had it on me.” Rage shrugs.

“No, no one dies today,” Ghost tells him. Rage sighs, looking disappointed.

“Sorry to disappoint you, brother,” Rip says, a smile playing on his lips.

We stand talking to the Satan’s a while longer before Rip and Ghost shake hands, finalising the deal. They all get back on their bikes and Cash and I jump back in the truck. “I have to say, that this is one of the most surreal moments of my fucking life,” I say as I turn the truck around.

Cash laughs. “When has this life been anything but normal? Always expect the unexpected,” he states. He ain’t fucking wrong there.

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