Page 38 of Beast

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Belle: Goodnight. x

Day 4.

Belle: I don’t know what to say, just that I hope you’re okay.

Belle: I asked Ghost if you are okay today. I was worried as you never replied. He said that you were fine. So, I guess the reason why you are not replying is because you don’t want to.

Day 5.

I hadn’t text Beast all day. I was feeling hurt and upset, even though I suppose we weren’t anything officially.

Deciding that I just want to eat crap food and watch sad movies, I walk over to the house. It’s after 10 and normally, Star and Ghost would have gone up for their early night by now. I walk into the kitchen and open the freezer, taking out the tub of ice cream. I walk over to the drawer when I hear Star and Ghost arguing. I walk closer to the door that leads to the living room and listen.

“So, let me get this straight. While she is over here waiting on bated breath for Beast, he’s at the club partying every night with the whores?!” Star snaps.

“Shh, keep it down, or you will wake Enzo,” Ghost hisses. “Just listen, it ain’t the right time for him and her. There is shit going on and reasons behind this. Beast is a grown man, and I ain’t about to medal in his fucking love life,” Ghost argues.

“So, you are just going to let him treat her like that? You are okay that this will break her heart?” Star counters.

He sighs. “There is more to it. So much more.”

Tears stream down my face. I sniff and angrily wipe them away. Placing the ice cream back, I run back to the summerhouse before Star and Ghost realise I’m there.

Belle: Was the whole claim me thing just something you said so other brothers wouldn’t ask me out? Was it so it made me feel secure? Made me think you wanted me? That I was more than one of your bunnies? You know what, fuck you. I’m not yours. I never was, and I never will be.

I hit send, and then switch my phone off, not that he will reply or even try to contact me, but it’s more to stop me from texting him anymore.

I lay there sobbing, feeling like a heartbroken teen who has been dumped by the high school jock. I look over at the clock, seeing that it’s nearly midnight. Deciding that I deserve answers, and if I can’t get answers, then I can get my revenge by fucking one of the brothers. Looking in the mirror, I sigh at seeing my blotchy red face. I quickly wash it with cold water and pile my hair up in a messy bun on top of my head. With my white little cherry pyjama shorts and matching tank top on, I decide to not bother changing. If I was going to give him a piece of my mind or fuck a brother, I’m sure no one will care on what outfit I was wearing.

I creep into the house and go to the draw near the front and pull out the keys to Ghost’s truck. I sneak out the front door, making sure it’s locked behind me. As quickly and as quietly as I can, I run down the steps and across the gravel drive to the truck. I jump in and start it up, and as I put it in reverse, I see Star stood in the front doorway, a smile on her face. She gives me the thumbs up and quickly closes the door.

I smile and reverse out of the drive before Ghost wakes.



I drove without shoes, which of course meant that a storm hit. Rain is pelting down on the windscreen, and I squint my eyes, trying to focus on the road, but the rain is so heavy it’s like someone is holding a hose directly over the truck. It’s late and thankfully, there aren’t many cars on the road. I continue to squint over the steering wheel, looking for the turning for the club. I sigh, relieved when I spot it.

In the distance, I can see the club lit up as I approach. After turning into the parking lot, I switch the engine off and jump out, really wishing I had bothered to put shoes on as the gravel cut into my feet.

“Ouch!” I hiss, the rain soaking me in seconds. I can hear the loud rumbling of music coming from within. I swing the door open and stand there for a minute, waiting for my eyes to adjust. I look around and see Spider stood at the bar, chatting with one of the bunnies. I tap his shoulder and he turns around, his eyes going wide when he realises it’s me.

“Jesus Belle, what the fuck happened?” he asks, looking down at me.

I sweep my wet hair off my face. “Nothing. Where is Beast?” I ask.

He rubs his chin. “Er, darlin’. I don’t think. I mean, I don’t know,” he mumbles. “Tell you what, why don’t you go and wait in Ghost’s office while I find him?” he suggests, his words slurring a little.

I shake my head. “Never mind. I will find him myself,” I yell over the music.

I look around, still not finding him, so I storm down to his room. My stomach is in knots. “Please god, please don’t let me find him with someone else,” I whisper to myself as I stand outside his door. I turn the handle and push it open, letting out a relieved sigh when I see it’s empty. I frown looking around, wondering where he could be. I check my old room just by chance. Nothing. I walk quickly back to the bar, interrupting Spider as he’s about to kiss the bunny he was with at the bar. “Hey!” I interrupt.

Spider is about to turn around to speak to me, but the bunny steps in front of him. “Listen here, you skank. He’s mine tonight. You want him, you wait your turn,” she snaps.

Pissed off, emotional and tired, I snap. “Oh, just fuck off, would you!” I yell. “I am trying to have a conversation, you thick bitch. That’s what normal people do. They talk. Not everything requires you opening your legs. It’s simple really. You just open your mouth and speak, instead of sucking cock!” I snap.

Her eyes go wide and before I realise what’s happening, she lunges forward, tackling me to the ground. She yanks my hair and slaps and scratches my face, but I have a lot of built up inner rage within me. I roar like a possessed animal and roll her onto her back, straddling her. I swing my fist and hit her back. I am then grabbed from behind and pulled off her.

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