Page 37 of Beast

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My jaw grits tight as I stare back at her. “Goodbye Belle,” I say through gritted teeth. I step back and she looks at me with confusion and hurt. I take her bags from her and walk past her, placing them in the car, when all I wanted to do was carry her back inside and finally claim her as mine.



I sit in the back of the truck, staring out of the window, wondering what had just happened. I finally told him what he wanted to hear, what I feel, and he just brushed it off. He didn’t even acknowledge what I said. Did he not believe me? Did he think it was just lust? A crush? I should have just been a lesbian. Life would be so much simpler, and me being a virgin wouldn’t be an issue.

Back at Star’s and Ghost’s house, it is just as lovely as Beast’s, except they have baby stuff dotted around. Star leads me through the house and out the back. “We have a little guest house at the back of the garden,” Star says. We walk to the back of the yard, to where a little summerhouse is situated. She unlocks the door and gestures for me to go in. It’s cute, and they’ve done it out all cosy. “That couch has a pull-out bed, there is a small bathroom just through there, and a TV with everything stored on it. I think we even have a porn subscription if you fancied a little private time.” She winks.

“Er, I don’t think I will be watching porn,” I point out.

She shrugs. “We are only human, with human desires.”

“Thanks. This is incredible. Did you have it built for when family visit?” I ask.

Star laughs. “Hell no, I don’t have any family. I got Ghost to build this in case he pisses me off. Either I can come out here, or if he’s really pissed me off, I can kick him out here.” She laughs. “But we haven’t used it yet. We seem to argue, then Ghost doesn’t let me stay mad. He likes to fuck the anger out of me. Probably not healthy, but it works for us.”

“Okay,” I say, not sure what I am supposed to say to that.

“Look, for whatever reason you are having to stay here,. I know it’s got to be for an important one,” she says, trying to assure me.

I nod. “Sure.”

“Well, I will leave you to settle, nap, whatever you want. Dinner will arrive around six,” she says.

“Will arrive?” I ask, confused.

“Yeah, I don’t cook. It’s partially out of choice, and the fact I’m good at setting fire to things. It’s just safer all around.” She smiles.

“Okay, great. Thanks.” I laugh.

She leaves, closing the door behind her. I sigh and sit on the couch before I pull my phone out of my pocket. I decide to text Beast.

Belle: I don’t know why I’ve had to come here, or why you acted the way you did. But I meant what I said. I’m there, at least I think I am.

I hit send and place my phone down on the cushion next to me. Maybe I haven’t explained myself enough. I pick my phone back up.

Belle: To be clear, I’m not like declaring my love for you. Unless that’s what you meant by me being there? I mean, I feel things for you. It’s hard, especially when you did what you did with your mouth.

I hit send and stare at the screen. Shit, I sound like I only like him for the orgasms he’s given me.

Belle: Um, I didn’t mean I only like you because you gave me a rather great orgasm. I mean, it helps. But no, what I mean is I like you, like a lot. I just know that being here right now without you feels weird.

I hit send and lean my head on the back of the couch, a lone tear escaping my eye. I quickly wipe it away. “Don’t be ridiculous, Belle.” I sniff. I don’t even know why I’m crying. I just don’t have a good feeling.

Later that evening, I join Ghost and Star for dinner, and they make small talk. Ghost is a man of very few words, unless it comes to Star or his son. Which to be honest, was fine. I wasn’t in the mood to talk. Finishing dinner, I help clear up, then excuse myself to bed. Star looks at me and I know she wants to press and ask if I’m okay. Ghost thankfully distracts Star enough that I can escape back to the summerhouse. I check my phone for a reply from Beast, but there’s nothing. The next few days were the same.

On day 2, I text him again.

Belle: Star threw her breakfast smoothie over Ghost this morning. I’m not sure why, but it ended up with them running off upstairs. I looked after Enzo. I think they are enjoying having me here so they can fuck whenever the mood strikes them. Which is a lot.

Belle: I miss you. I miss your cooking.

Day 3 was the same.

Belle: I thought of you earlier. It was an advert about Vikings.

Belle: I’ve never really been into reality TV, but this Real Housewives show is insane. I can feel my brain cells dying as I watch it, but I can’t stop. I’m starting to think I have problem.

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